• Well Darwin wrote the Origin of the Species 150 years ago and the bible was written 1500 years ago, so there is a time factor to consider. Darwin's theory, makes the most sense, as the evidence is empirical and can be tested, the god myth has no basic in fact or common sense. Religion/God has brought wars, persecution, famine, power to the ruling classes (through its use to pacify the masses), the stunting of scientific progress and has a placebo effect on those people who tend to believe it. When we as a species, finally relinquish these superstition, that are, in the majority of cases, instilled at birth, and whatever your religion you are, is mostly likely due to where you were born and in what century
  • God's creation is my oppinion even so I belive in evolution... I say so because Gods theory is to bring love and pease to humanity.
  • The theory of evolution has no benefit outside of knowledge. I firmly believe that warmongers would find other excuses for war if their favorite one was taken away, so I must say that the belief that God created the earth was of more benefit to us. It gave/gives a sense of security to those who believe.
  • Evolution is no longer a theory. Darwin was right! See the video. My 2 cents.
  • I would say that any kind of belief in a god or gods was something that was useful to humanity about 800 years ago and earlier, and maybe even further back than that. Religion had the power to unite people and solidify societies. For example, the Catholic Church was the glue that held Europe together in the Dark Ages. However, the time for theistic belief systems, and any other kind of belief that attempts to explain things with the supernatural, has long passed. All they can do now is hold us back, and should be slowly phased out of society, and I'm pretty sure that will happen by itself. The Theory of Evolution does have some useful applications, such as evolutionary computation in artificial intelligence. There are a lot more applications too. ( ). I also heard something about Darwinian principles being used to design better wings for aircraft. Don't know much about that though...
  • I cannot find a single direct benefit that the belief that God created the earth has brought us. Of course, religion has done some good things, but there is no reason that non religious people shouldn't do the same thing (I know this might cause some angry comments, I'm used to explaining where morality came from and this stuff, but that would take a long time, so I'm just going to write it down if I'm asked). Now what benefit did Darwinism bring us? The most important thing to me is simply a true understanding of why we are here. This doesn't sound like much, but humanity has always asked this question, and Darwinism is the first and only theory that gives us a satisfying answer. Evolution is also used in robotics, by some sort of genes, scientists made something similar to breeding robots, and they artificially selected for the best ones. This method is actually better for some purposes than designing them directly. Another thing is that our understand of evolution helped us in medicine. Viruses change rather quickly, and by knowing why and how, we can counteract by finding good medicine. We also know that antibiotics shouldn't be used for every minor cold, because bacteria become resistant. This knowledge has definately saved many lives. It is also of great value for psychology, only by understanding evolution and the way our ancestors lived, we can explain and understand mechanism like fear, lust, love, anger and all that kind of stuff. It definately gave us some sense of humility as well, while theists believe that they are the center of the universe, and all animals are here to serve them, evolution shows us that humans are just some species of big mammal, apes to be precise. Of course we are special, but we still aren't ´higher´ than all the other organisms on earth. One could also extend this argument, from evolution to science in general. Religion teaches us to be satisfied with not knowing. We wouldn't have made much scientific progress if people were just satysfied with the answer 'god just did it'.
  • didn't evolution brought competition? for fame, money, status? lots and lots o people die every day cous that.
  • The god thing, indubitably. And, no, proof is not ever required for anything that has to do with that delusion
  • The concept of evolution, of survival of the fittest, brought us such wonders as the Nazi Holocaust and robber baron capitalism. The idea that God created us and expects us to take care of one another, even though it's been twisted by people with their own agendas, is still superior, and must eventually win out if mankind is to survive the next century.
  • The "Theory of Evolution" has brought the greatest of benefits to mankind, if only for its ability to rid us of the plague of religion.
  • I'm not sure of the tangible benefits of the belief in creation. Perhaps it has brought more good to humanity because it makes people feel a little bit better in the world. Multiply that by the thousands of years that it was the dominant hypothesis. However, the Theory of Evolution has only been around in its currnt form for a little over 100 years, but it has brought a lot of benefits with it. It has helped us to understand diseases, antibiotics, and the totality of biology is rooted in it. It is a tough calculation to make, but I would say that given a few thousand years, there would be no question that evolution is/was/will be better.

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