• I believe you are referring to jonathon taylor thomas who, at the height of his fame, became a horrible herroin addict and is actually dead now due to overdose.
  • Star wars kid was a meme back in the day. Today he is fat and masturbates alot. That's about it.
  • There are many stories about the "Star Wars Kid" I heard that, He made his famous video at a school recording studio by himself. Some fellow students found it and publicised it. He is now in intensive mental care. Thats just one of the stories ive heard.
  • His name is Ghyslain Raza and he is from Trois-Rivières, Quebec. During the height of his unwanted fame the humiliation made school unbearable for Raza. His classmates would point at him and chant "Star Wars kid!" He was diagnosed with depression, and eventually dropped out and engaged the services of a private tutor. Aside from a few brief statements by e-mail in 2003, he has never spoken with reporters. A harassment lawsuit was filed in July of 2003 against the four classmates who posted the video. It dragged on for a few years. Eventually the case was settled for an undisclosed amount in 2006. I couldn't find any information on his current location or occupation.

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