• No, because various species have different interests and levels of sentience.
  • His views appear to inconsistant. The concept of equality: "Equality is a moral idea, not an assertion of fact" (1990, p. 4). That is, when we say that "all humans are equal," we do not assert that they are in fact equal in intelligence, capabilities, size, etc. Rather, we assert that they deserve equal consideration of interests
  • I don;t know who singer is but IF it is anything like Equal Protections Under the Law then it translate too : NO Protection under the Law while the Intent is not to Disparage in practice it always does thus No Protection just paying for more Bull so in effect it is useless and meaningless except if you want to throw money at it, get it ... Extortion by any other name is .... We asked for the return of the Buffalo, the Elk and the Deer we got Wolves, Bears and Cougars Oh My .... Manipulation anyone .... Animals need our absence not our presence to survive. ~Nemo~

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