• My brother helped me move a very large box downstairs.
  • I helped myself more than anything else today. I got my house together, made a plan for my week, and overall got clean, organized, and ready for the upcoming week!
  • My life penguin helped me fight through my depression and get out into the world. I don't know where I'd be without his strength:)
  • My boyfriend was trying to. Overall, today has been rather shitty. :/
  • A friend who is suffering from major depression helped me by calling me. He cheered me up by reminding me that I don't have it so bad.
  • My boyfriend, my father, my stepmother, my daughter, my friend Suzie, God, someone in line at Wal Mart let me go ahead of him (cause I flashed my Aquafresh smile at him) Lol ;)
  • My friend. An important one. I was in dire need of some programs in VLSI which I couldn't get. He gave me a part of it.
  • my aunt and grandmother, bought us groceries. my boyfriend and brother, kept me from having a panic attack. my friends, made me feel better about my life. =]
  • Ben Roethlisberger
  • It is very early, Sir Jay. Jim is still asleep. I expect he will be the one to help me if I need it! Happy Monday! :) Either he or our sweet cat Miss Tigger will at least help to make me happy! :) ((hugs))
  • Noone!
  • The day's only 3 hours old where I am, Jay! I have not really had any human contact yet. I guess that person who gave me three points anonymously on an answer helped me out a little! :)
  • No one...yet. The day is early. I'm not asking for myself though...I'm sincerely hoping the vet will be able to help my kitty today. She's under the weather.
  • i myself
  • a great nephew helped me yesterday bury a cable that needed done before winter. The great part was I did not have to ask him he just came over and started helping.
  • i helped myself to a glazed krispy kreme doughnut, french pressed french roast cafe au lait and a sausage muffin, homefries & bacon breakfast today! :D
  • My sweet husband had lunch ready for me during my break.
  • the girls in carrier services
  • Everyone on here is helpful... That's why I come. You never know how you look through other peoples eyes until you actually want to know and ask. That is helpful although it sometimes pricks a little.
  • mr sony
  • The UPS man was not a grouch and delivered my b/fs present on time so I could wrap it before he sees what it is; my favorite instructor at college has been assigned to me as an advisor and is helping with my questions about being prepared and Wanbli just made me smile even more on an already amazing day :)
  • my girfriend! :-)
  • I've also helped myself ;0)
  • Everyone around me is doing a great job :)
  • Same person that helps me everyday: myself
  • Today and everyday ! ABing .... and =) ! Thanks for giving me a reason to get up everyday in the morning ! :)
  • In EVERY way AND EVERY day, without a doubt, THE FIRST one who helps me is God! THEN comes myself followed by A WHOLE LOT of folks who support me and my efforts! My Family Friends The folks on AB The folks I do volunteer work with and for. Total strangers. I'm not going to quote Scripture. Here are the HARD, COLD facts: Since my surgeries in '01 EVERY DAY I'm optimistic! I see bright light, clear blue skies and chains of rainbows - from right in front of me to the horizon! At sunrise and sunset I see ALL of Nature's beauty and splendor! The pinks, purples, whites, oranges, reds, grays and blues of the rising and setting sun! In the evenings I see tens of thousands of twinkling stars in constellations and stars which I learned as a young man. I see different colored planets, the beautiful moon, comets, asteroids and "shooting stars" [meteorites]! How and why do I see so much? I'm "forever the optimist". To me, the glass is never half-empty. It's ALWAYS half-full! I feel the same today as I do every other day: I feel TERRIFIC! I feel GREAT! I'm EXCELLENT! And every other positive adjective and adverb! There's no other way for me (or anyone else) to feel or believe. Why do I feel that way AND respond that way? I'm a "survivor". I THINK I answered the part about being depressed my whole life. I'm DEFINITELY high on life! Now for the "Why". I have two true stories to relate: TRUE STORY #1: In 2001 I had two operations - 8 days apart. About 2 months after those operations, I had a meeting with my surgeon. He asked, "Ron, so HOW ARE YOU doing?" In a VERY positive, upbeat and enthusiastic tone, I answered, "I'M doin' GREAT, doc! How are YOU doin'?" He said, "I'm doing fine. Ron, doin' fine. You seem like you can handle what I'm about to tell you: I'm going to tell you something I don't tell to too many of my patients. Young man (I was 54), you had us quite concerned. But you made it through the procedures quite well. He put his hand on my leg above the point where where I had my surgeries. I looked down, noticed it wasn't a threatening gesture and looked in his face and eyes. He said, "Ron, you died twice on the operating table." Then we continued and completed our conversation and meeting. TRUE STORY #2: Earlier this year I was in the market. As I usually do, I struck-up a conversation with the person who is in front of me or behind me. On this particular occasion it was a gentleman - a total stranger. He asked how I was doing. I replied 'terrific', 'great' or some other positive response. I asked him, "How are you doing?" He replied, "I'm doin' great, too!" He paused for a few seconds, then said, "Yep, we're doin' better than ________ (A famous celebrity who passed away the previous day.). We're on THIS SIDE of the dirt!" I adopted and adapted that expression. When someone asks me, "How are you doing?, etc., this is what I reply, "I'm doing great! In fact we're BOTH doing great! We're on THIS SIDE of the dirt." Once in a while I get a laugh or chuckle. More often than not we continue our conversation. It only happened once when someone asked me what I meant. Thanks for asking your Q! I enjoyed answering it! VTY, Ron Berue Yes, that is my real last name! Sources: My wonderful family! My terrific teachers, instructors, professors, mentors and coaches! On a regular, dependable basis, I volunteer at Magee Rehabilitation Hospital, Philadelphia, PA. "THE University of Hard Knocks" Also known as ("a/k/a") "life's valuable lessons".
  • the people ive talked to on ab helped bring a smile to my face, a laugh in my heart and helped my thoughts take wing on flights of fancy... my best friend helped me to dream. my love for him grows deeper every day and i feel so blessed to have such a wonderful, soulful partner in life...
  • me ~ i helped myself and truly it was a good thing :)

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