• Shawn Colo is the Co-Founder & Head of M&A at Demand Media. He spent 10 years in the finance industry, most recently as a Principal with Spectrum Equity Investors, a $4 billion private equity firm focused exclusively on investing in media and communications companies. While at Spectrum, Shawn was involved in several of the firm's most successful investments including Illuminet (NASDAQ: ILUM, acquired by Verisign) and Qeyton Systems, AB (acquired by Cisco) and has served on corporate boards in the US and Europe.
  • Co-Founder & Head of M&A Prior to Demand Media, Shawn spent 10 years in the finance industry, most recently as a Principal with Spectrum Equity Investors, a $4 billion private equity firm focused exclusively on investing in media and communications companies. Along with Richard Rosenblatt, Shawn created the original concept and executed the simultaneous acquisitions of eNom, eHow, and several domain name portfolios to create Demand Media. While at Spectrum, Shawn was involved in several of the firm's most successful investments including Illuminet (NASDAQ: ILUM, acquired by Verisign) and Qeyton Systems, AB (acquired by Cisco) and has served on corporate boards in the US and Europe. Shawn is a graduate of Princeton University, with a degree in Engineering and Operations Research.
  • Shawn's at this blogspot now with Dana.

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