• In many western nations the government has in place an insurance mechanism through which all or part of the money is protected. Therefore, if the bank goes under then the tax payers protect the depositors (to a degree).
  • Don't entirely count on the F.D.I.C. or similar programs. If the country goes bankrupt these programs are useles and even the FDIC admits they couldn't pay in full if there was a run on the banks. Remember too the USA like many other countries has NO money! Yes, that is correct! The Federal Reserve is not Federal nor a reserve but a private corporation. It loans money it creates out of thin air to the USA and charges high interest on that money. This is all thanks to President Woodrow Wilson and in violation of the Constitution of the USA. And Honey, you are only seeing the tip of the iceburg as it pushes against this house of cards! If you want more proof of this here is only one site that gives you information; there are many.
  • We will soon find out. Although, for many, it looks as if they will lose the majority of their savings and pensions.

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