• Anyone?
  • It means a contradiction. I mean sometimes you have to choose whether to love and honour, or whether to shut up and obey and let him learn the hard way.....
  • To love: To care for their well-being and happiness. To exert myself to aid or bring about their happiness. To treasure the good times and to keep them in mind when the bad times strike. To be willing to sacrifice some of my own happiness, if means their life will be improved. To honour: To respect them. To listen to their opinions and weigh them carefully even if I disagree. To include them in my life and decisions. To not speak disrespectfully of them to them or others (does not include legitimate critisim when trying to work things through). To stand up for them and be faithful to them. To obey: Will never be in my marriage vows. Anyone who knows and loves me as I am will accept that. Luckily, I know that my partner does.
  • Love, without it you wouldn't be getting married and personally I think love is different for each individual. Honour is something we should all have whether we are marrying or not, and obey speaks for itself and was certainly not included in my marriage vows.
  • To love the person, to honor the person and the marriage, and to obey the vows of marriage. I dont think it means to obey as in one person being the more important one.
  • Outdated wedding vows.
  • It means a very outmoded idea of the relationship between man and woman in marriage. I got married 41 years ago and we promised to love, honour and cherish - it was outmoded in 1967.
  • There was a time when a mans word was always honorable, and beyond any contest; when his wifes and kids welfare were always his highest priority; when his family lived alone in the wilderness miles from civilization. THAT couple, were equals, and they were friends, and he was easy to obey, because it is easy to obey real love. I fear those days are gone, and this love is an outgrown concept and as such, marriage has fallen, likewise.
  • conscious, conscious, subconscious...
  • Very sacred vows that you promise your one-forever in front of God and your family. I believe it's the most important contract of your life! :D
  • pain & torture
  • Exactly what it says.
  • It means the man wears the pants - that's why it was changed to love, honor and cherish.
  • Each stand as parts of important commitments. Ones that are promised, and cherished in relationships....Just my point of view tho........Plus 5 for your question............M.C.S.
  • If there seems a need to have these laws then it serves as a reminder to us humans that these values are easily forgotten, misunderstood or being comprimised. In the animal kingdom some creatures like the king penguins are mates for life without any written contract.

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