• Does she cough anywhere and everywhere at night or just in her bedroom? If it's just her bedroom it could be an allergy to something... Asthma sufferers often cough a lot at night, but you would probably have seen other symptoms like wheezing. But then I'm sure that's something that the doctor thought of and ruled out.
  • It could be, Whooping cough — or pertussis — is an infection of the respiratory system caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis (or B. pertussis). It's characterized by severe coughing spells that end in a "whooping" sound when the person breathes in. Before a vaccine was available, pertussis killed 5,000 to 10,000 people in the United States each year. Now, the pertussis vaccine has reduced the annual number of deaths to less than 30. The first symptoms of whooping cough are similar to those of a common cold: * runny nose * sneezing * mild cough * low-grade fever After about 1 to 2 weeks, the dry, irritating cough evolves into coughing spells. During a coughing spell, which can last for more than a minute, the child may turn red or purple. At the end of a spell, the child may make a characteristic whooping sound when breathing in or may vomit. Between spells, the child usually feels well.
  • You may want to treat her for post nasal drip instead of the cough. The cough caused by sinuses draining down the back of the throat typically cause coughing at night or when the child is lying down. Rest of the time they are feeling fine cause the drainage is draining straight down and not tickling the throat. Using an over the counter med such as sudafed, can help short term but with her history of asthma you should probably speak to her doctor about adding a nasal steroid like Nasalcrom to her daily routine. This prevents the inflammation that causes the snot, that causes the maddening drip, that causes the nighttime cough. Hope this helps.

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