• maybe it's asian
  • Because like most birds it's inside their body. If you were to press on their vent area or open it up you might see it in some birds, but not parrots as it's too high up and only descends enough to be seen when they are mating. You could tell by surgery which is how they used to do it in the old days. Now they use lab tests:-)
  • Most birds mate by contact at the cloaca area. Sperm transfer from the male occurs when each partner's cloaca everts and tiny papilae protruding from the posterior walls of the male's sperm sacs in his cloaca are brought into contact with the opening of the female's oviduct. A few birds have an erectile, penis-like organ but not all birds. This intromittent organ is a special modification of the ventral wall of the cloaca and it exits in birds such as tinamous, most waterfowl, currasows and ostriches. Chicken and turkeys have a small penis, which enlarges with lymph fluid that is added to semen in the vas deferens in the reproduction system. Ejaculation of this fluid occurs through a longitudinal phallic groove. Why such different birds have evolved such an organ while others do not is not clear.

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