• No. It was given to them by the United Nations.
  • The UN divided Palestine up. After that, it can be argued that Israel has been encroaching on Palestinian land. Like much of the situation it can be argued a lot of ways. Basically, you can make the case that Palestine was stolen from the Palestinians, but you can also argue another way. My personal opinion is that it was stolen from them. *I would like to also say respectfully that perhaps a better way of phrasing your question would be "Did Israel steal Palestine?" Since "the jews" are a diverse group of people all over the world, some of which support and don't support some or all of Israel's actions.
  • Your answer can be found in the Balfour agreement made by the British in 1920. Palestine has never been a nation state or country. This link is just the beginning, although the Palestinians are the indigenous people of that area but not necessarily Israel alone. This battle goes back over a thousands years. I contention is that it belongs to both.
  • No, the British did.
  • The people who are known as Palestinians were traditionally nomadic sheep/goat herders and desert dwellers. The people we know as Palestinians are of the same genetic background as the MiddleEastern Jews. The differences between these 2 peoples are few: what name they call on god with, where in the world they have dwelt, the nationalistic identity that each have chosen. Israeli archaeology seeks to establish a "birthright" or entitlement of what is Israel to the Jewish people. The field of archaeology in Israel has become a political tool to make the world 'see' that Jews are the people who should own the lands that are called Israel. An interesting proposition if you consider that the prophets of King David's time reminded him that yahweh distinctly warns of not building a permanent temple, of not 'counting the populace' with census (or taxation). The schism in Jewish philosophy led the Jewish people to lay claim to what we call Israel, and give up the nomadic lifestyle that they too once had. Did the Jews steal Palestine from Palestinians? No. Yet, they have effectively barred them from their ancestral lands. Kind of like how developers in the USA have created islands of wild, places where wildlife can flourish, except that there are no longer corridors for that life to move about freely, to meet and mate, to eat or live. No, they didn't "steal" something that did not exist in the first place - yet they are sucking the life out of the Palestinian people who do still live there. They are killing the culture of Palestine.
  • Yes and no. The Palestinians have lived in that area since the beginning of time. However, in 1947, the United Nation (with the UK pushing for it, apparently) arbitrarily and hapzardly, gave part of their land to the Jews. Them Jews and Arabs are mortal enemies so that was a really, really stupid idea, like putting a lamb inside a cage with hungry lions. The Jews were attacked by the neighboring Arab nations in 1967 during was was known as the Six Day War, when it was over, Israel had stolen a bunch of land from everybody, mostly the Palestinians, encroaching them more and more all the time. In the meantime, they have enclosed the Palestinians in what can only be compared to a concentration camp (apparently, the Jews like doing to others what was done to them) and have treated the Palestinians like worthless slaves. Their treatment includes constant military raids and the killing of citizens. It really is a horrible situation and the world just looks the other way and all of Israel attrocities. If anybody dares complains, they scream 'oy, holocust' and the world kneels down and gives them more weapons. They really are bloody, vicious, vindictive fuckers who deserve to be wiped out of the face of the Earth If you want to read some stuff and form your own opinion, read these:

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