Because he doesn't exist. The Rules were written by men who wanted power so they invented god to give them the right to govern. As part of their god given right was the sole right to talk to god, get instruction from him and then to carry out god's will. . So - the guys who made up god got to kill whomever they wanted in god's name - and thus were holy. Anyone who who killed without their permission was a threat to their power, a murderer, hence god gave them permission to kill the murderer in particularly hideous ways.
Blessed is the death of one of his saints in the eyes of the Lord. God giveth and God taketh away. The Creator has a right to do whatever he damn well pleases. But this dosen't make him a murdered. It is our punishment and blessing that we MUST die.
God doesn't kill anyone or anything. People kill people in his name
I think the typical Christian excuse is that God doesn't kill us, we kill ourselves. It makes God sad when one of us murders another. God cries when we force babies to be born without their skin. We are terrible.
I guess God has found some kind of loophole to kill others that we humans don't know about.
GODs kills BUT.... he can resurrect the dead. if you kill. can you bring the dead to life that's the difference
God don't kill anyone, just send them to Hell XD
Original question before later if any changes is: If God alone has the right to kill, does that make him a murderer, we are 'his children' and yet he kills us. If a person kills their child that they created that is murder, why is this not the same for God? My answer is: It is taught that God is Spirit so he's more concerned about his childrens spirits within their bio bodies. These spirits withn have everlasting existence. However True Christianity is about the Quality of that spiritual existance.Regardless of whether a person is aware of it or not.Or even if they dont know God they exist everlastingly even after their bio bodys die.When God kills someone biologically, its like a butterfly hatching from its cocoon. There is more than one type of death experience i.e: Biological Death (probably the type you refer to here. This is merely a removal of ones outer physical body from ones spirit awareness of self within that continues to exist after bio death. If God kills someone its like when a butterfly hatcesout of its cocoon)i.e. at a funeral whats in the coffin is an empty cocoon Near Death (can get without stopping biological heart) ClinicalDeath (requires stoping & restarting bio heart.A person experiencing this can then be referred to as a flatliner) Spiritual Death: a person can have a bio beating heart but still be in this state.It's taught the worst thing you can do is turn away from God). This is what happened to adam & eve when they ate the forbidden fruit and died spiritually but biologically they were still walking around and talking even to God. When God said they would die for eating the forbidden fruit they did. However it took several decades later before they shed their body cocoons i.e died biologically. gave you 2 pts i.e 19 to 21 for interesting & important question
I agree with you 100 % and when you come face to face with god and want to confront him on this I will be right there covering your back... yeah.. sure.. right...
Well the Bible was created when there was no law. It was very useful to keep people in line back in the day. Slowly it is now becoming outdated.
God doesn't kill people. People kill people. As God's children we are born with Agency, or the right to choose what and when we do something. We are born with the choice not to believe in God or religion as a whole. It is your moral responsibility to make the right choices to make it back to our Heavenly Father.
Trash Street gave a very good answer to one aspect of this question. Let me give another. I will start with a question. Is the executioner guilty of murder when he carries out the sentence of death on a convicted criminal? There are those that don't see the difference between the two. However, society in general and God Himself draw very definitive distinctions between the two. God prescribed the death penalty for many an offense. Additionally, God is the ultimate judge of who deserves to live or die. None of us has the capacity that He does to look into a person's heart and soul and see what is really there. So, when God decides that someone is worthy of death, then he is. So, when God kills, as He has done on occasion, then it is usually because God deems it necessary to do so to meet the demands of justice and to protect the innocent. The most spectacular examples of God killing are where He destroys whole societies (the flood, Sodom and Gomorra, etc.) In these cases, innocent children would also have died. So, one could ask if that was not murder. This is where Trash Street's excellent answer comes in. God is more concerned about the state of our souls than He is our physical existence. Thus, He was more concerned about protecting those innocents from the completely corrupt societies in which they lived than He was with their continuation in mortality. So, while those that were innocent did also die physically, their eternal life was assured in the process. So, if it is alright for God to kill innocents to protect them from a corrupt society, then why is it not alright for us to do such a thing? Because, once again, God is the perfect judge. As such, He is the only one with the authority and wisdom to make judgments of that magnitude. We are far from perfect. Therefore, we do not have the right or wisdom to make life or death decisions on this scale or of this nature. We have the authority to make life or death decisions for individual criminals (an authority that we should still exercise with great care), but we don't have the authority to make such decisions for whole societies.
God is mans own creation,and there are many off them.However be there a god or not,ifa god creats I agree the answer must be be Guilty of murder. Makes you think though,dos'nt it.
Mostly we murder each other. Are you talking about allowing disease? Much disease we bring on ourselves as well. Cancer from smoking or air pollution...diabetes from too much sugar...obesity from overeating..we do drugs, are alcoholic and have unhealthy lifestyles. Now...we have free will, which is the only way we can be honorable or have integrity...making choices..making good decisions. If everything is done for us, we are nothing but puppets on a string. Additionally, if we lived forever don't you think we would crush each other by the sheer magnitude of numbers? Death is the weeding out process, isn't it? Happy Monday to you! :)
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