I don't believe you can rule the world currently. You can be inspired by the world. Like the Pope, Dali lama, etc.
Move to a very small planet.
Jump off a very high cliff.
First you need to take complete control of the media, so that all information is filtered through you. Then you need to create a sense of irrational fear and paranoia in the population, while instilling in them the idea that you alone can protect everyone from whatever it is you made them afraid of. Then you need to start changing the laws, making it seem as though it's for the good of the people while in actual fact it's to reinforce your grip on power. Also, be prepared to break the record for mass murder! (I mean look how many people Stalin had to have killed just to hold onto power in The USSR!!)Good luck and watch your back! :)
Create a MySpace.
sorry, the world is already mine to rule, but the best advice is.. before your conquer the world.. conquer yourself,
my first thought of ruling the world is to ace ur english classes. write, persuade. properganda is huge when it come to world leaders. ex. adolf hitler, ghandi, any world leader.
Record the most amazing song. Include sublimincal messages forcing people to submit to your will. Then send out the MP3s for free to all iPod owners.
Zip your fly, you look ridiculous.
Make your bed and buy a big ruler.
Paris Hilton
Practice covering Tears For Fears songs.
The first thing? Grow a mustache. The more ridiculous looking, the better.
Well, first you'd have to find a way to incapacitate Chuck Norris, because hes the current ruler of all things, and to take over the world, you would have to defeat Chuck.
Kill God.
Get to the back of the que!
defeat Lois Griffin. Victory is mine!
First you need to sit down and have a chat with Pinky and the Brain!
Learn the art of deception, and then join the New World Order. Work (kill) your way to the top.
it's not what you know, but who you know :P find some 'friends' ;)
Join the democrat party.
Get billions, murder all opponents and friends, model your life after Stalin, Hitler and Saddam, and most improtantly be on America's team or we'll hunt you down out of a spider whole like Saddam.
Rule yourself first.
become president of the united states
technically, i think no one has claimed that its yours!
First thing is you need to obtain your own personal mini me sidekick
Well since no one has from you since Apr 28, 2007, I would have to say GET BACK IN THE SADDLE! Unless you've gone on to dominate the world. In that case..... hello, friend! Boy, you look sharp today. Is that a new cologne you're wearing? It's intoxicating! Can I help you with that? Here, sit in my chair. How do you take your coffee? Comfy? Here's a special pillow with a satic case so it doesn't muss your perfectly coiffed hair. What would you like for dinner? Shall I massage those tired dogs of your? You work too hard! Let me help you relax. You're too important to work so hard. The world needs you (ad nauseum)
Use religion first!
create your own religion, become very rich and influential, hire your own governor for each state. Religion is most useful seeing as though there are so many that are brainwashed.
Contrary to what many would assume, an army is not the first thing that you will need in order to rule the world. Wealth is the key. If you have an enormous amount of wealth/influence, you may have a shot at ruling the world. However, first this will require a strong education, as well as connections within many different circles, political, wealthy, and those within the media. I would recommend becoming educated and successfull first. You will not be able to rule the world as a king sits upon a throne, you must influence all world events using your personal resources, that, in my opinion, is the only possible way you can rule the world.
if you want to rule the world , look up Hitler , the nazis and the nazi party
Get through me, LMAO!
Get a make over and try using a different cologne and mouth wash.:)
I think there are many ways into taking the earth into submission, one that was already mentioned was the control of mass media, however without money or support i dont think you can wage war with a couple of stories, a second way would be the more common way to obtain power or be recognized would be to have a rebellion against a cause you see "unjust" and with that you will need followers and supporters, remember the old adage, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" and a thrd way to overcome the world would be to show as a major threat to the entire world being able to back up the threat and strike fear into the minds of the people to follow you, they do after all have popular sovereignty even if they are from different countries religions and backrounds, you can not stop numbers.
Conqurer abswerbag and the world will fall at your feet
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