About 20 minutes - I guess its how much you think your time is worth! =) Good question! +4
bout 25 mins
I dont. I dont really care for pizza.
About 15 minutes. If longer, I'd rather just buy one or eat something else.
All day if I had to.LOL
If I order a pizza it takes 25-30 minutes, so I'd wait a long time for a free one if it was good pizza, maybe 1-2 hours if I had great company to talk to
At least a month.
MAYBE 15 minutes.
Are we talking New York pizza or amateurs?
An hour with friends.
20 minutes tops, otherwise I would buy one.
maybe about 20 mins. (im guessing its just a free slice and not a whole pizza?)
If it's a choice to wait in line for any amount of time, or pay the $15 for a pizza now, would just pay. Not that I have anything better to do with my time or it is all precious or whatever, I just don't like waiting in line for stuff like that. I took my sister to her work in a high rise in downtown Chicago like 20 years ago. There are all these businessmen in the lobby waiting in line for at least a half an hour for a free breakfast, which was just a bagel, coffee, and maybe fruit or whatever. Unless they get paid under $6.00/hour, they seemed to have taken a loss on this 'free' breakfast.
2 minutes tops
if it was with a free I-phone, 20 minutes. The pizza Alone, 20 seconds.
if I waas 2nd in line and the person in front of me was just finishing up, otherwise I'll pay for mine.
Not at all. I like pizza, but I'll just go buy one.
Zero. I pay for what I eat, my self-respect wouldn't permit it any other way. +5
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