Yes you can but get out of the relationship as fast as you can cause trust is a key point to a relationship
I can love them, but I can't/won't stay with someone I don't trust ... Without trust you have nothing.
u can love them but you'll be walking on egg shells throughout if you stay in the relationship. if that's what you want, go for it.
It would be like building a house without a foundation. Not much point. Sooner or later, it's going to collapse;)
Hard one to call on that,depends i suppose on what they had done to make you distrust them to begin with.If they cheated on you then i would have to say the relationship would be better for you to end it
Without trust there's no point, i know its hard to hear but sometimes you have to listen to your head instead of your heart. If you don't trust him there must be a reason for it, so he can't be the right person for you, but keep your chin up, better things are always around the corner! x
If there is no trust, then there is no solid foundation for a long term relationship. Love is NOT enough. Sorry.
If its through violence or cheating that the trust was lost, then no. But I think with things other than that, it is possible to rebuild the foundations if the love is there. Start with the friendship side of it perhaps.
no because a relationship is built on trust. there is no commitment w/out it. there is no relationship w/out trust and visa versa.
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