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  • cucumber and a knife
  • I found the easiest way to do this is with a roll of duct tape, a cd/dvd spindle and a condom. Take your cd spindle (i used a 50 but you could go with 100) and start wrapping ducttape around its length until you get to about 1/3rd your desired girth. Start wrapping tape around it again but this time do not wrap anything more around the bottom inch - inch and a half, you need to make the ridge that will keep the plug inside your ass. You can build the tape up p-ast the end of the spindle now also to increase the length of the plug. When plug reaches desired length and girth take some pieces of tape and put them vertically along the length of the plug to smoothen it and increase its stability with the base. Cover the base with tape now too because those ridges will scratch up your butt if you sit on them. Once plug is smoothed and stabilized place condom over the plug and enjoy. (I used a condom cause I dont think ducttape inside the ass is good for you, also this should make it so you can reuse the plug easier)
  • baseball bat
  • sharpie pens work kinda well... i sometimes use a broom handle choped to size with a condom on it.
  • One thing I found that worked very well was a tube on M&M Minis. Its been a while since I've done this and I don't even know if they make them any more, but it they do- Just eat the candy, peel off the label, cover in a condom (Or eat more Minis), and insert. It has a great length/girth and the lid makes a great stopper.
  • I took an empty Co2 cartridge (like for an airsoft gun) and a soft piece of plastic (from the bottem of a stapler for me) and cut the plastic down to an oval shape, drilled a hole in it, and screwed it to the Co2 cartride. Not very big, but stable and perfect for days of use. Stays put, no problem. My take a few times to get the plastic trimmed down to a comfortable level.

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