The answer is going to be unsatisfactory: the doors are badly designed. No doubt the designers thought that people going INTO a bathroom would be in a hurry, so they made the doors open inward -- figuring a person carrying a package (or whatever) would not be inconvenienced by having a door handle to pull on. But then why not make a door that swings inward AND outward? Or put a wastebasket right next to the door so a paper towel could be used to pull the door open and so there'd be a place to put the paper towel when you were through with it? (Some places I've been have actually caught on to this idea.) For excellent articles on many types of bad design, see "The Design of Everyday Things" by Donald Norman. It's great and interesting book, but it will make you mad as you see how simple it would be to design things properly if the designers would simply THINK for a moment about what it would be like to use the products themselves.
doesn't it have something to do with fire codes?
That's why I use a paper towel to open the door or some toilet paper if it's one of those blow your hands dry places. Think of it. The first thing all those people who don't wash their hands touch on the way out is that handle. I'm no touching it with my clean hands, sorry!
Maybe it's because a door that opens into the bathroom will push a gust of air into the room instead of sucking one out. So an inward opening door might help reduce the amount of stinky air that gets wafted out to the dining room where people are eating.
Good point, that is disgusting!
If there are paper towels, I always use that to open the door to make my way out. If not, I use my arms.
i was in a dirty Dunkin Donuts restroom and I got toilet paper and grasped the door knob with it upon exiting today.
so that if the latch malfunctions, the door will fall back and hit you on the knees, instead of falling open into the room and exposing all your bits for public gawking.
Heh. Those stalls with push-in doors in airport bathrooms are also really a pain in the @$$ when trying to get your luggage in and out.
First answer - the hinges are mounted on the inside edge of the door frame, so the door opens in. Why on the inside you ask, well go ahead.... well I'll tell you anyway. Because most places don't want bathrooms doors opening out into what is often a hallway or a main room where someone walking by could get whacked. Thw papertowel on the handle works and a few places have a button for electric open. I have seen a couple with a step pad that starts the door open.
I actually find the reverse to be more typical that you describe.
maybe americans kept walking into the doors? :P
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