• I'm assuming you are talking about the low side reading when you mention gauge? If so, that is normal. You stated that the compressor stayed on longer as more refrigerant was added, that is also normal. You need to add refrigerant until your compressor stays on until the car cools down. You biggest worry should be....."why do I need to add refrigerant?" It had to go somewhere. You may find yourself having to keep adding refrigerant. You have a leak that should be fixed before you go broke buying 134A. Gas is high enough ! LOL
  • Thanks, well the truck gets cool now, but the compressor still cycles on and off every 5 sec or so... seems like it should be staying on longer... The stuff I put in does have UV leak check in it, so I'm hoping I can find out where it's going. Just wanted to make sure the high (red zone) pressure reading when the compr was off was normal...
  • What you should also do is suck out all the air from the system...they tend to work a little better that way hehe.

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