Deer sleep in beds of vegetation that they press down with their bodies they don't like to be seen so they make their beds in deep cover and as many a hunter can tell you they will stay in their beds even when approched by a predator or a human they lie really still and will only bolt at the last moment scareing the bejesus out of a suprised hunter
actually, deer are arboreal. they create nests high up in the trees from scraps of their prey. ie: squirrels, cats, etc.. also, deer are known for their brachiation abilities. their main method of locomotion through the trees is vertical swinging and leaping.
deer sleep on my wall
Why would you want to know? Under bushes.
- This AB site is getting so pathetic. "answerbag Bank"? Come on!
in the woods
At a Days Inn if the Hilton is full.
Outside my house; Bambi and his pals are no longer welcome in my home :P
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