• Because Christmas was originally the pagan celebration of winter solstice called Yule. The common way of decorating your home was with pine tree beanches (green) and holly (red), which represent life in the depths of winter and a reminder that if they can cope with the harsh climate so can we! The name and ritual of the celebration has changed but not it's meaning of life in hard times, so neither has the decoration that represents life!
  • Santa's rosy cheeks & the Chrissy trees!
  • The origins of Christmas in western culture, (Other than the obvious Christian origins.) Was as a celebration to cheer people up in the dead of winter, and celebrate that the spring would be coming soon. So the green is used to represent the wonderful green of new spring foilage, and the red was generaly holly or some other plant, used to brighten up the grey winter months for the celebration.
  • santa is red and the tree is green
  • They are traditionally red and green because the green represents the pine tree branches that were originally hung around the house and the green of the leaves that will grow in the coming spring, and the red represents the holly plant that was put around the table on christmas eve.

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