Would HAVE been football. (6-9, over 300#)
Probably ping pong (table tennis)- I'm vertically challenged.
i would say swimming cos i have the right build, good shoulders, slim hips and long legs. athletic body. Interesting Q - how about you?
probably bowling
Football, I'm 6'3", 255 lbs. But I'd rather play baseball.
Biking, I think. The kind with a motor. And a loud roar. And a soft leather seat. And saddlebags. :D :D Well, motorcycling IS a sport, right?
Target shooting or Archery
cycling - long distance and i mean LONG distance, im not fast but i dont give up. i did a 50 miles cycle into london a couple of weeks back, and i got there and was ready to cycle home but it got dark >.< maybe once i loose some weight ill be able to do it faster :P
tournament fishing
Shopping!! LOL, sorry, that's not a sport but sometimes, I feel like it should be. Probably volleyball.
I guess my best "shot" would be as it called in the Military "SHARPSHOOTER".....At one time it rated was as "EXPERT" but that level has pasted on with age. Something we can't seem to stop is time. And as time goes by, I'll most likely drop on down that level to "MARKSMANSHIP". Even at that point tho, I'll still enjoy from time to time, going to a good old shooting matches as a sport......And there is one title I'll always keep. And that is the title M.C.S......"Missouri Crack Shot".....
I loved football in school. After I got out of college I discovered I had a natural gift at being a hockey goalie. I feel I could have been really good if I would have started early. My build is perfect for it, athletic but not tot tall.
I can't do any sports because I'm an asthmatic. But if I didn't have that problem, I think I would be good at swimming or track.
Judo, sumo, boxing, rugby or shuai jiao.
I'm hopeing it's hockey. I'm trying to learn. =)
Is being a whale a sport? :P
Probably one of these...
Gymnastics, I can do the splits ;)
Baseball. It was the only sport I have been good at.
my sport is demolition derbies
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