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To me having a lover means that they are the only ones you are having sex with.
No, I don't think so. Having a lover, to me, denotes some sort of continuing relationship. Casual sex is with a friend, an acquaintaince or a stranger and may be a one-time thing or a repeat performance merely when it is convenient with no other continuity of relationship attached.
It certainly could be all about casual sex having someone on the side outside of a marriage.
No.Lover means they love you,casual means they just boink you.
No, as lover is to love as giver is to give, or taker is to take.
Lover- Love- her
i dont know....i mean I say I have a lover but really my lover is my boyfriend. It kinda seems that it would imply that it is a casual relationship otherwise you would say, "i have a boyfriend/girlfriend" lover seems wrong, I love that term. lol
Lover implies intimacy. F*ckbuddy implies casual sex.
No mam it isn't. A lover you can relax with, explore with, ask for what you want, ask for what they want. and try everything you both want. As a casual sex thing there isn't the time to learn the things you can with a lover. In my humble opion anyway.
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