• In many parts yes, we have an abundance in the Ohio Valley and I'm pretty sure they are all over the midwest.
  • For a deadly spider, it's common enough. I live in Georgia and have seen them a few times.
  • I have lived in Tennessee, Pensylvania, Kentucky, Virginia, Georgia, North Carolina, Kansas, New York State, Ohio, and Texas. I have never seen a brown recluse. Then again, perhaps they call them "recluse" for a reason. : )
  • Yes, there are alot in Ohio. I have a friend that got bit by one on his thigh. It turned into a huge hole and the flesh was all rotted and nasty. They are pretty dangerous spiders.
  • 1) "Brown Recluse Spider - Kansas #1 Spider Many different kinds of spiders live around homes and buildings. The vast majority are harmless, and in fact are beneficial, because they prey upon flies, crickets and other insects. One spider in Kansas which is potentially dangerous is the brown recluse. Fortunately, this spider is relatively common, and has markings that the layperson can use to distinguish from other non threatening species." Source and further information: 2) "The brown recluse spider is native to the United States from the southern Midwest south to the Gulf of Mexico. The native range lies roughly south of a line from southeastern Nebraska through southern Iowa, Illinois, and Indiana to southwestern Ohio. In the southern states, it is native from central Texas to western Georgia. They are generally not found west of the Rocky Mountains. A related species, the brown violin spider (Loxosceles rufescens), is found in Hawaii. Despite many rumors to the contrary, the Brown Recluse Spider has not established itself in California, nor Canada." Source and further information: 3) "Brown Recluse Spiders live in the southern United States from California to Florida and up to Nebraska & Missouri and over to Virginia. The slashed lines on the map show regions with Brown Recluse Spiders." Source and further information: Further information:
  • They are fairly common in Florida. I have seen what they can do and it is not something I would wish on anyone.
  • I know they're in Maine. They love dark old wood piles especially. I got bit once. It didn't affect me too badly. It got me in the middle of my back, my wife said it looked like a little vampire had sunk its fangs into me. Skin an area about the size of a silver dollar died off around the area of the bite, felt flu like sickness for a day or two. Fortunately it happened on a Friday; no work no pay!
  • They are more common than people think, especially in the midwest region. I live in Northeast Ohio and have seen more than one... and the last one was huge.
  • They are not common in the west bu tin the midwest they are.

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