The Swedish bikini team and a glass of milk.
My boyfriend - he surprises me with cookies sometimes ^.^
Additional cookies
A glass of milk...Infact I am gonna get myself some.
Coffee and with rasins in them and at least 4 of them.
$100 bill
Babes yo...
More cookies! Ha ha... I don't like milk - so I'm gonna say I'd like a glass of water with my cookies, or maybe a cup of coffee or a cappuccino. That sounds nice.
ice cream
A kiss on the cheek from my sweetie.
Permission to eat them all!
Great Service!
Diamond jewelry. :o)
Loaded with walnuts and/or pecans, with a modest amount of the mini-dark chocolate chips..oatmeal-based with maybe some bits of coconut and glazed pineapple bits for a hint of the islands..oh, and a few craisins would be very nice as well! :)
G'day Miss kitty, Thank you for your question. A nice cup of coffee with some nice cookies or biscuits is very good. Regards
Zero Calories. I live in a fantasy world.
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