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  • bragging is dumb teenager stuff they want to be cool, however, acceptance is one big reason and i'd rather smoke pot and live with those issues compared to say... not haveing ANY friends? ill tell you cause i know, being rejected socially causes WAY bigger problems than say pot or even mushrooms or pills. at least your not going to shoot your high school up, and you probably would rather have drugees than rapists or killers. in general, although drug problems are bad, they are usually in place to stop some MUCH bigger problem at bay... although the bad drugs can make it worse sometimes, id say it's a way to cope when you literally COULD NOT any other way at that time. drugs can numb pain that would be untolerable... yes, getting real help is better, but if your a black kid with 9 brothers, do you think you get kaiser counseling? no, you deal with your life or you fail and die. In such a harsh reality, could you really say drugs are the enemy? or would it be more appropriate to say if your surroundings are THAT FUCKED UP, maybey drugs are what any rationale person would do just to survive that day? mentally with pain, or phyisically. INSANITY IS A COMPLETELY NORMAL RESPONSE TO AN UNBEARABLE SITUATION OR EXTREMELY DAMAGING, HARSH REALITY. some scientist said that dunno who but strong quote that stayed with me. thus if your life is bad enough, you are PRE-EMPTED and thus can't be fully at fault. altough one SHOULD try to rise above our pain, most of us can't alone. it's NATURAL for humans to grab out to the closest, easiest things that will help (which alot of the time is drugs). it's our nature, and we did it in the past to survive, and probably always will.
  • i was never good enough for my mom and it made me feel soooo bad and worthless....that's why i smoked weed. i'd still do anything to change that, but it took awhile before i could learn to live with it. but if i could go back i'd still smoke i think, cause i just couldn't cope with that. i had to turn 20 before i could even start to deal with how miserable my mom makes me feel, and it's still really hard. Although now i quit pot and Im starting college and i feel great! ___And by the way i see your picture and you are a cutie!! ;) it would be REALLY lame for someone as cute and awesome as you to try drugs so i totally get your question... ANYWAYS.........I'm 5'11, i have long blonde hair, blue eyes, slender/ muscle build and i think im cool smart and awesome!! My email is i got myspace too feel free to say waddup if u want. i'd feel like a loser if i didn't at least try.. my loser frinds are no longer around since i quit pot... cya later cutie __eric

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