My forehead.
Tramp Stamp (lower back)
My other head.
My whole body. I'm not against them, but personally I don't like them on myself. I do admire people who have them because people say it's painful to have tattoos. I have low tolerance for pain.
Pretty much anywhere on my body. But some of the worst places I can imagine would be forehead (just too exposed and visible) or on my scrotum... oO *whimper*
I wouldn't get one from the shoulders up. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't get my private parts inked either.
On my face. why would anybody do that?
Any place that I couldn't cover for a business meeting.
My mom.
I won't put a tattoo anywhere on my face or arms, I need to be able to look professional when necessary.
On your behind,lol.
In view of the customers.
I have to, both on my back. the worst place I could ever imagine getting on would be my toes. that would just hurt. my most painful on was on the small of my back.
not on the neck, that looks way to painful!!!!
On my face! I also am not fond of the idea of putting one on my arms, just to "biker chick" for me.
On my lower back / just above the butt. That is great for you females but not so great for us guys.
on my face! yuk
On my grandma.
inside my mouth.
Ma dong!
On the inside of the lips of my mouth.
on the inside of my wrist.i would get my social security number, my drivers license number, my cell phone number and my email mail address tatooed on my wrist. including blood type and birthdate.
"Here's Nijinsky a-doin' the Rhumba / here's her Social Security Numba" --Groucho Marx "Lydia the Tatooed Lady"
im a girl so lower back or shoulder
On me.
My whole self. But I like to see them on others. And I respect them all the more for withstanding the pain and the couldn't-care-attitude when people stare at them. Tattoos on woman's breasts can really turn me on.
On my head.
Sydney Opera House.
When I left home going to the Navy in 1957, my daddy told me if I come home with a tattoo he would skin me alive. I knew he would have done it too! He had a tattoo on both forearms and hated them. He got then when he was in the Army. When he died those tattoos were only turquoises colored blobs on his arms. I have never had the desire to get a tattoo and I know if I did my daddy would still get up out of his grave and skin me.
On my body.
I would not have one on my face.
sonnewhere unconnfortable
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