• I honestly think it depends on the age of the baby. If the child is below 3 years of age and the love is gone, then yes. Any age above 3 years, i say no for this reason: At age 3, children begin to store memories in their brain. they may not act on these memories, until a later age. if the memories are of domestic violence, at puberty, the child may have a flashback and develop psychological problems. No one should live in a relationship where there is no love. Your baby is proof that love once existed. baby comes first...protect it. The baby's age would be the key factor here.
  • No....but the baby is the innocent one remember, and his/her needs should be looked after, they shouldn't be made to suffer for someone elses' bad judgment.
  • No dont do that it will never last then your be a single parent,find some one you truely love and then have a child :)
  • No. Get out unless you're pretty sure the relationship will mend soon. I agree on the damage that can be done to a child by John pennington. But I would get out as soon as you're sure about it. One parent in a good home is better than two parents in a bad home no matter the age of the child.
  • By "loveless" what do you mean? The romance is gone but you still care a great deal for each other, or you don't care at all? If there are no other people involved, and you are very good friends and care or love each other, just not romantically, I don't see any reason to break up. You can be moving toward doing that, if and when one or the other of you meets someone else. But if the situation is confrontational, argumentative or mean-spirited, no child should be in that kind of environment and I'd say get out. The child will survive..children are resilient.. they won't survive tension and strife in their surroundings! :(
  • Probably not, as long as you both love and treat the baby with care...then it should be fine. What's worse, a child growing up with parents who hate each other and constantly fight, or growing up with two parents that light up every time he/she sees them?
  • My answer is an emphatic 'No'! Do you want your baby to experience love? If you stay in a loveless relationship, how will your baby ever get to witness love being modelled to her/him? And very little babies, feeling that there is no love around, are very inclined to believe that the lack of love is their fault. Not a nice thing for a young soul to carry around. Children form their pattern of attachment in the first five years of their life. One could argue that if the child attaches to you, that is enough for a healthy attachment to form. I disagree. Part of the attachment process is about observation of the attachments in the environment. If your child feels the lack of love in his/her environment, this will have profound and long-lasting effects on her/his development. My parents stayed together because of the children. I've suffered deeply for that. Please think carefully before deciding to stay with someone you don't love. A baby deserves to be in a loving environment and it is your responsibility, as a parent, to give your child what he/she deserves.
  • I think this is very complicated and needs to be looked at on a case by case basis as every case will have it's own unique factors. We can't use a "one shoe fits all" approach to this. Can the parents cope with no romance? How old is the child? Would it be desvastating enough financially to warrant patience? How will the future of the child be affected? Will it be amicable either way? There are just too many things to take into consideration. Those are just skimming the surface.
  • I don't believe it is. It's smarter to protect your child from growing up messed up Why should your child's model of a marriage be two people who cannot stand each other. Thats not healthy.
  • never any child would be happier in general with two happy parents
  • I don't beleive it has to stay loveless. If they loved each other once and there were things they enjoyed about each other, enough to produce a child, then why can't they put all they have into rebuilding their relationship at least into a warm loving friendship to give the child everything it really needs, two people that love it more than anything else and who are devoted to making it a loving good person. People have found love and joy in arranged marriages and stayed married for decades, so why couldn't two unselfish people who did care about each other, stay and learn to love again?
  • depends, my answer will change are you arguing regually? NO can you get on with no tension? YES do you still care for one another? yes can you spend time together alone? yes will you b a happy family together? yes will you be a better parent if you split? no if you can naswer these questions the same as my answers then stay, both parents around will be a bonus but if the answers differs then please split up, the child does not need arguing or an atmosphere
  • No, you end up doing more harm to the child's psyche as it grows up. I hear from so many people that if they could do it over they would have gotten out of the relationship sooner. They stuck it out for the kids and that was a mistake.
  • No, you need to realize you yourself are the important one, and the only one that matters as far as the relationship goes. Both mother and father can "be there" for a child without having to be in a relationship together if they don't love each other anymore.
  • Definitely no. Parents are there to be role models for their kids. Don't let your kids see a loveless relationship. They might get a false sense of what love is, which could affect their relationships in the future.
  • No..i'm a single parent child raised by my mother..she left my father because of a loveless relationship when i was very young and i can say its been wonderful to have a mother thats almost like a sister to me because she never had a husband to detract her attention away from raising her child...its been awesome.
  • No. If your married, you both might want to get counseling.
  • is the baby worth your stay?
  • nope. that baby's gonna see misery and never know a model of mutual love in a relationship as exemplified by the parents if that happens. your happiness will bring that child happiness as well.
  • it could be, there needs to be some serious conversation before any things are determined
  • No you will end up regreting it and you might blame you child. Do stay just for a baby it's not worth it.Think of your baby.
  • it really depends. if the guy's a total jerk then no. i have to examples. one of my aunts has two kids and a cheating husband. in her situation..shes filing for divorce and is moving on.. that environment is wrong for kids..having a horrible father. the other example is my other aunt. she has one kid with a stuck-up husband that hasnt cheated on her. she practically hates the guy but always speaks nice about him to her 5 year old daughter. her husband provides her with money and shelter and the rest ..she doesnt even spend time with him but stays with him just so her daughter can grow uo in a stable environment. shes doing a fabulous job. its hard but she says its worth it. really depends.
  • I don't believe so most ppl say that they'll stay together just for the sake of their kid(s), butit's actually worse the way kids parents feel reflects a lot to how kids feel, their happyness and take on life.
  • No! Not worth it! If you're gonna have the baby but feel un-loved by the baby father, Leave! kids deserve love! Move on! Don't punish yourself or the baby. Not worth it! And if not? Well..... Still leave! Everyone deserves LOVE!
  • You know the problem with loveless relationships is the hostility that seems to linger. Whats your circumstance? Can you and your other communicate without confrontation? Ive had a full spectrum of experience with this. I had to be calculated when children were involved. I took alot of grief to sustain my childs feelings or well being. Give more information...
  • no because in the end you'll end up resenting each other. and its unhealthy for the baby to grow up with resentfull parents. sometimes being apart is the best for everyone.its important to think about the baby even though you want the baby to grow up in a home with both parents, it may not be the right or healthy choice.
  • if ur selfish then no if ur a caring mother you'll do anything for your baby
  • no. my suggestion is to think of the baby, if you are going to split up, do it in a way that will affect the baby least. (soon, before he/she grows up with them).. if you stay in a loveless relationship, it will end badly, maybe not now,, but give it a few years. and by then the baby will have grown enough to be more affected by this. as long as the baby can have both a mother and father when growing up, its okay. as long as the two of you are not immature about the situation.
  • the straight answer would be: not. Then you have to deal with the reality.
  • I've never been in that situation thank goodness, but I would think it would be worth a try.
  • I don't think its ever worth staying in a loveless relationship. The baby will grow up one day and will pick up on and be affected by the bad relationship. Happy parents make a happy child but the parents dont have to be together.
  • No. Because it wont be fair to you. The baby can be with the other parent and just take turns. As long as the baby gets to see both parents, its all good. But one cannot be living in a loveless relationship, because it is not healthy for you. You should also think about yourself as well as the baby.
  • No, I tried it. Doesn't work. We ended up resenting each other and at some point I realized I didn't want my kids thinking that this is what marriage or love is supposed to look like.
  • No. My parents stayed in a loveless marriage for 8 years because they wanted it to be stable for me. It was not. I could tell they loathed each other and wished they would just get a divorce so they would be happy people again.
  • For better or worse." Sound familiar?
  • Just give It another try
  • No. You need to show your baby love, not loveless
  • but babies are suppose to be loveable! =l

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