In which country? In the UK, you are allowed to carry a knife of 3" or under, providing it is foldable (ie not fixed). This page tells you more about our knife laws- Switchblades are not legal here and while it may be legal to carry a small pocketknife it is not something I would recommend.
In the US. Switchblade. No. And their is a maximum length of blade you can have with a folder. Anything over that length or fixed blade you need to have a concealed carry permit. Would not recomend it though.
Switchblade knives are illegal in most states, especially in tennessee. they can be sold, but cannot be carried. a small pocket knife is not illegal. Like everything else, involving the law, its the intent of the person carrying just about anything. a pencil can be considered a weapon, if its used to stab someone. Lockblade knife cannot be over 4 inches long. Pocket knife is ok, switchblade knives are illegal.
In the US, knife laws vary greatly from state to state. In North Carolina you can cary anything under 5in. concealed. (I think. Don't quote me though, i'm not sure) One thing I am sure of though is that just about anywhere in the US you can cary almost anything from a pocket knife to a sword, hand cannon, fully loaded pit bull etc. as long as you have it on your belt out in the open and it can be seen by anyone. As long as it is visible it can be carried.
I am a knife importer, wholesaler, and retailer. Laws vary greatly from state to state. There is no federal ban on switchblades in the US, but they are illegal to possess and/or carry in several states. This site has a state-by-state list, but it's based on 1988 laws, according to Tactical Knives Magazine: To find out for sure, check your current local statutes. Do not ask a cop for a definitive answer, as they are rarely well-versed on the law.
switchblade knives, usually thumb stud maually openable knives, in New York are legal if 3inches or less. i wouldnt think there is a limit on the handle. Their is a penalty if you do have one more then probobly 4 inches. 3.4. or 3.6 inches usually looks like 3 inches. so, yea. thats pretty much. im not highly educated, so im not one to quote, but, i try to help.
yerp, i do it al the time
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