Kids β†’ Toddlers
  • Don't worry. He has a long time to get better. He has his whole life in front of him.
  • Have you spoken with a specialist about his condition? Were you given a diagnosis and treatment options? What did the pediatrician say? Does this run in your family? Is your son otherwise normal developmentally? Are you giving him lots of opportunities to use his legs?
  • My son will be 16 months in 1 week and is also not walking. We were seen by a paediatrician who is following up in 2-3 months. We were not given any recommendations or reason for the delay in walking. I know from everything I read kids can walk as late as 18 months and still considered to be in the realm of "norm". I have started to look for a physio as well b/c my son's balance seems to be off - he walks fine behind push toys for months but when you let go of his hand he is so wobbly and collapses. I have had so many sleepless & teary nights for the last month or so and often feel so alone when all the other kids we know the same age are walking. It has been REALLY hard! If I were you I would talk to the physio that you do not seem to see any improvement and ask them for their professional opinion. It is good that you have a diagnosisis and know what the issues for your son's delay in walking. If the physio does not give you any answers or suggestions, could you maybe try another physio? Does your physio specialize in paediatrics, because from what I have been looking into you can find some physios who are specialized and might have more experience dealing with such issues? I hope both of our boys will be off & running soon:)
  • I don't have anything to add but I hope you and the other mothers will soon be yelling: "Stop running in the house!"
  • My DD is 16 months old and was hospitalized in August for 17days during which time she completely lost all lower motor function. Prior to the hospitalization should could stand but was not walking and was getting physical therapy. Since her discharge she has been in physical therapy at AI Dupont as well as at home. I've had the same sleepless nights and tearful evenings playing on the floor. The only thing I can recommend is patience, some children prefer to do things in their own good time. As long as he is getting PT and is happy and healthy I wouldn't worry, you'll only stress yourself out. He will walk only when he wants to. Good Luck and stay positive!!!
  • Give him time. He may need to strengthen his muscles before he can attempt to walk. Have you tried a walker? That may help him a great deal if it's ok with the doctor/therapist
  • my 18month is the same still not walking like you i am worried he has had all the tests and every thing is fine .physio and the padetrician say he will walk when he is ready maybe by 2.he is wobbly and has loose hips ,he sounds like your son didnt sit up until over 1yrold. i would like to know how you are doing,hope to hear from you.

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