I have a great nose. I am proud to display it wherever I go. Of course, some would say it blows.
Nope. It does the job it was designed for and it is mine.
No, it's the right size and shape. I would worry if I broke it, I think it would look strange if it was crooked.
Not at all.
Never. But living in a land where people have flat noses, the locals are intrigued by it.
My nose is small and I want it to stay that way.
No. I think my nose is fine.
For years I worried about it all the time. Now, it's big, it's there, life goes on. I wouldn't have it changed.
You left out the size of mens ears as they grow older.
Yes... its quite large
No i have a small button hubby said.
No I love my nose!
not really.But your nose has a lot to do with what your face looks like but, my nose is small and it fit my face.
what, me worry?'s not my best feature...i've seen many that are much better...but i've seen alot worse too!
The size/shape of my nose is insignificant. I've got other more important things to attend to.
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