I usually lose it before then.
Many of them especially at work.
All the time. I use one or two pens until they simply die. Then, I get another. Pens are pens and they're meant to be used.
I try to so I've used it fully. If I have two I sometimes use the one with less ink so I can toss it sooner.
I found a pen on the floor underneath my chair when I reported to a new temp job. It was about half gone but wrote really well. The brand was Reynolds, and it is commonly found in India, and, after an extensive search, nowhere else, it seems. I really enjoyed using this pen down to the last scratch.
Lots of times, but lately I seem to prefer using a pencil at the job. I love the smell of the ground wood when I put it in the sharpener.
Never, but at least I've learned not to leave them in a warm pocket to leak all over my clothes!
I'm very specifc about the pens I use, thankfully they are cheap. But they have to be a certain brand and type. And I use them until I lose them (people seem to borrow my pens and not give them back) or I run them out.
Nope I loose them at some point like my car keys... the difference is I have to find my car keys
No, I've tried, but I end up loosing them, breaking them, throwing them away (for no apparent reason), or finding another "pretty" pen that grabs my attention before the ink is used up. :)
yes i write a lot so why spend more money on something that works the same and i'm going to have to buy soon anyways no matter the price of the pen.
I usually misplace them before I can use them all up. Besides, I like Ticonderogas better.
Yeah. That's kinda what you do with them. I guess.
Many times, but most of my pen goes misplaced before the half of the ink of the pen get finished.
I think only twice or something, i usaly loose the pen or it stuffs up.
When I work long hand, I usually have a "pet pen". It's usually not cheap, but disposable. I think I do it out of the same reason some baseball players won't change their socks when they're batting a good streak. Cute question....1+ is all I can give - sorry...
no. i get mad and throw it away starting in on a new pen.
I use several cheap pens here at work but they never last till the ink is gone...they are cheap...thats why they stop working on me!! Even the good pens i been buying arent working good--i dont know what the deal is.
Usually. I'm decended from the frugal Scots!
Hundreds of times. However, you need to know a trick to keep the ink flowing. When they clog up, two seconds in a match flame will unclog them. (More than that and you're likely to melt the tip.) I almost never buy pens, because people lose them and I pick them up off the ground. I also have a cigar box where I toss useful parts from pens that stop working and the last time I went through it I had twelve more pens to use.
never. i usualy loose them befor they finish.
Course isnt that the point of a pen?Lolz i just made a not funny joke with out realising it!Wtf ithink im going mad!Mwah ha ha!
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