Add a gallon of mustard. Or save yourself some money and make it from scratch. If you prepare all the dry ingredients in bulk and save them, then it'll save you time. It is like homemade cake mix.
you cant change a cake mix too much in regards to the sweetness... the sweetness comes from the sugar that has already been measured and added to the box mix. If you think that it is too sweet then try a cake from scratch. Cake is meant to be sweet, and my cake company uses the betty crocker mix as a base for everything that we do .... no body has ever said that it was too sweet. good luck
If the mix is used, the sugar is already in. I don't notice the mixes being overly sweet. Try a less sweet frosting, maybey something featuring cream cheese or whipped cream and bananas.
2-5-2017 Bake a steak in it.
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