The biggest player normally gets their way. big man like o's, then its o's first. i know of no rules governing tic tac toe.
My entire life I've never played tic tac toe where one goes before the other. Theres no real set rules for tic tac toe except for the obvious ones. Really think about it: who cares who goes first because the game will be over in 30 seconds and you can start up the fun again and again! For more information visit the tic tac toe wikipedia article at: It has more information on tic tac toe than you can use in a lifetime!!
when ever ive played tic tac toe iv always started with the x and on all the games ive played u start with the x so thats wat i say:)
X always goes first.
always, always x.
Usually the X begins play in the first game, with the player who loses going first the next game.
it depends really if you want to do it fairly then just flip a coin but if you want to do it without a flip of a coin then the X's go fist
iKNOW that x goes first dam!
only my rules apply I'm always the o and I always go first
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