You'll need a length of hose (pref about 3ft long) and a can. take off the petrol cap, and slide on end of the hose to the bottom of the tank. Take the other end and suck on it to create a partial vacuum within the hose. Once you see the petrol coming along the hose, take the end from your mouth and stick it in the can. It is really important to keep the can as low as possible beneath the petrol tank - the vacuum sucks the fuel up the pipe to the tank entrance, and then gravity drops it down into your can. Keep a sharp eye out for police, if you're syphoning illegally, and be prepared to run away fast ! (hypothetically)
The safest and easiest is with a syphon hose with a squeeze bulb. they are relatively cheap at walmart and are much safer than the old method of sucking on a pipe and gasoline entering your mouth. with the cost of a gallon of gasoline being outrageous, its a good idea to keep a 2 gallon empty gas can and a bulb syphon hose, in your trunk. you never know when you on empty!
posted already
Anyone who would say to suck on a hose full of gas, probably has tried it and lost a few brain cells, and therefor not realize the stupidity of recommending it to someone else. A better way to syphon gas would be to stick the hose into the source, fill the hose with a little gas, put your thumb over it, lower it into a container that is lower than the source and remove your thumb. If you don't have a little gas to put in the hose, then, dip the hose first, into the source, and hold your thumb over the top to retrieve some into a container.
it has very little to do with Gravity. Go back to The atmospheric pressure of the gas tank, is lower than where your gas gallon thing is. So in a way, gravity is only the middle man in it, not what actually causes the gasoline to flow. But it is due to the pressure on top, that makes the gas flow. ___ | | < --- higher pressure |___|--- __ ___ | | < ---- Lower. |___|
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