I'm presently at 57 legitimate games and still winning. Please be careful about the answers you get to a question like this as there are too many posers out there that would sooner hack the registry and poke whatever number they want in there.
Mt father n law plays all of the time. He has won 23,000 games! Currentl wun streak is 315k!
I believe I won around 30 games in a row once.
My longest is 47.
also you can do the CTRL + SHIFT +f10 then select "abort" and it chalks it up as a win!!!
about 4 lol i then got bored and gave up.
My current winning streak is 2001. My total games won is 13,843 on this computer. I have been playing for many years. My total games won on all my current and prior computers is probably in excess of 35,000
right now at 337 and getting bored.
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