• Basically, if you're ridiculed or persecuted for not conforming to the world's standards or for having attitudes which threaten the powers that be, just remember that he went through it also.
  • when your down on your luck and nobody likes you. just remember what happened to jesus. he got nails through his wrists and ankels and hung on a cross. just be clad that people dont still do that to day
  • Hi Plaigh. Good question sweety. Jesus wants us to know that we shouldn't worry about being hated for righteosness sake. It is inevitable--- that when you live a Christ-like life in a secular world you will be hated--b/c you are not like them. Plp tend to hate those who are different yet make change. He was the first to bear the hatred for being a light in a dark world.
  • He was telling them they would be hated and persecuted the same as HE...for the TRUTH..
  • It means he did the water to wine conjuring trick a few times too many and couldn't quite handle the booze.
  • A slave is not greater than the master. If Gods son could be tortured and put to death why should we think that it wouldn't happen to us? If we truly want to follow His footsteps we are to expect it as the rule rather than the exception. So if a person is being accepted by the "world" for your beliefs than maybe they should examine what they are following. A true Christian will have to put up with a lot to follow Christ the way He wants us to.
  • if you've been rejected or hated or just put down, remember "Christ the King",the "Son of God" was also put down and literaly nailed down on a cross. And the outcome of that was great!
  • That means if you are in Jesus Christ you will be hated by the world because you are created in God's likeness, and the world doesn't or want to undrestand that because they are being fooled by the devil. So if someone hates you, you are suppose to love them because he loved us.
  • Very well said and you know as Christian "IT IS EASY TO DIE FOR CHRIST, BUT HARD TO LIVE FOR HIM, BECAUSE DYING MAY TAKE ONE OR TWO HOURS, BUT TO LIVE IS TO DIE DAILY." - SADHU SUNDAR SINGH That means we have to and willing to endure hatre any difficulty we come across throughout our spiritual journey and also throughout our daily life for just being a Christian a follower of Christ. It is hard to swallow at time but just remember He endured far more worst than what we endure here on earth. The reward will be greater in Heaven.

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