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4 000? Wow!
no its NOT known ...its what he claims
4000 ? Hmmmm........The math could be "Fuzzy " ;-)
sure, i know plenty of chicks that slept with him
Sounds about right. Wilt did 10,000. John Holmes over 3000, who knows how many men. Do the math. 365 days a year for 10 years is 3650. How about 3 different women a week for 30 years? 4680 Even if you started at 20 and went till your 50 averaging 10 a year and thats 300. 10 is not a lot for a single good looking wealthy man.
I heard he claimed to have slept with 2000 in one year, I always wondered if that was true of even possible.
Simmons actually has a polaroid photo albums of many of the groupies he slept with, I believe he showed some of them to Oprah on her show. He has been a rock star for more than 25 years. It isn't hard to believe at all.
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