Debbie Does Dallas?
Odd as this might sound I would like to see a remake of the first Star Wars, which I think is my favorite movie of all times, right after Gone with the Wind. There are certain shots in the scenes were weapons are being fired that I would do a little different.
The Day the Earth Stood Still! Interestingly enough, while looking for an image of the original's poster, I found they are indeed remaking it, with Keanu starring and Jennifer Connelly as the female lead!
The Day the Earth Stood Still
Circle of Iron (aka The Silent Flute), metaphorical martial arts film scripted by Bruce Lee and James Coburn. It was rather haphazardly produced following the death of Bruce Lee, though the theme of the film is rather very interesting. Think, The Matrix meets Zen Buddhism with a bad lead actor, poor production and inferior special effects. I see Jet Li in this role. Expand the plot and update the special'd have a film that would make Bruce proud. ---
Days of Wine and Roses.
OMG I wish they would stop remaking movies I'm so sick of every movie being a rip on a previous movies. I wish Hollywood got an original idea.
I just want them to stop remaking do you remake a classic? Casablanca II III IV...Hollywood seems to be in serious need of coming up with some creativity..not just rehashing old themes...I rarely watch Hollywood movies anymore..British, Australian, chinese are so much superior...
Madame X, although I don't know who could replace Lana Turner
Maltese Falcon.
The Outsiders
Sons of Katie Elder
Body heat. When it came out in the 80's I loved it and used it to compare other movies. But I just watched it again and it's bad compared to todays films. It shouid be remade then I can decide if it is still good.
The Ten Commandments
The Gaslight.
Rodan (1956) // It would greatly depend on them using very good quality of CGI, as good as "Jurassic Park". The story is a pretty solid one, especially with the progression from what seem to be THE monsters to the realization that Rodan FEEDS on these creatures. If they mess with the plot, it wouldn't work for me.
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