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No, because it is illegal. Thank you and may God bless you. :) -In Jesus Christ's Name.
Didnt ""God""" create it!?
It is ultimately between you and God. There are, however, principles of behaviour in the Bible, which might give you some guidance. 1. Our purpose on this earth is to glorify God. Does this glorify Him or just please ourself? 2.We ought to be self-controlled. That is one of the gifts of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22) Do we have self-control when we smoke cannabis, or are we out of control? 3. The Bible talks about drunkenness being a sin (also Galatians 5 , the verse before the one above) because of the bad behaviour associated with it. Cannabis smokers often also behave badly. Is this a good thing for a Christian? Even if it is only a possibility. 4. The Bible says that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit.(1 Corinthians 6:19) Should we profane the Holy Spirit's temple by using substances that alter our brain patterns? Is this glorifying? 5. We must not cause others to stumble. If there are those around whose faith will be shaken if they see you smoking cannabis, then is this glorifying? It is the same thing with alcohol or any other substance that can be abused (even food!) One last thing to consider is: can I do without it? If I can't, why not? Same with alcohol, same with Big Macs or whatever. If God is most important in our lives, we should be focussing on what glorifies him, even if it means giving something up. 4.
would someone please explain how marijuana is against jesus christ,,,and if u say because its illegal or it changes ur state of mind,,dont bother to post cause ur an idiot
I'm a born-again Spirit-filled christian and during a podical child time I smoked some marijuana. I was on large doses of morphine for over 7 yrs for chronic pain but when the VA hospital found THC in my system they took my pain meds away and gave me only 5 days to detox from years of use which any DR/Nurse would tell you is Very dangerous and extremely painful. Right before the withdrawl became so bad that I was about to go to the streets for pain relief a friend suggested a Methodone clinic which is how I am able to detox properly. Now my pain is no where near what is used to be Yes I still have it but I believe my body has been healin itself over the years by the grace of God, I used to smoke marijuana for the relaxation/fun of it but realized during my prodical child moment of doing it that it did actually help with my pain as well as my anxiety. So I see it like yes its illegal but it is only out of ignorance and old false information. I would rather do a natural non man-made substance for relief of pain and anxiety then something man-made like morphine/methodone/diludide etc... Yes its wrong because God says obey the Law but seeing as some states allow the use for medical reasons I believe that it is ok for use for certain reasons in the eyes fo God. Important question.. How do i feel about God when I smoke??? I love Him at all times no matter what. Hope this helps some of you but in the end this is an issue between you and Father God.
I am a christian a i smoke weed every other day or for a week a month, thing is prople how don't smoke have no freaking idea about it, no i don't smoke so much weed that i'm all out of it or stone to the point i'm not in control. I smoke i little and kick back and read the bible things come to me better , i'm clear headed and more in control. i can feel God. thing is the bible doesn't talk about smoking weed , you think it wasn't around, i be willing to bet it was around but it wasn't such a big deal so people didn't get stoned and kill each other, no they got drunk and done foolish things. truth as i see it, do what ever you do as long as you don't hurt yourself or anyone else. And folks that don't smoke and totally agaisnt it keep it away form them. lol as far as the being legal thing, all christians break laws, i'm up in New Jersey now working and everyone on the road is speeding , everyone! your breaking the law piont blank, whats the different? speeding in your car , your putting everyone around you live in danger, when i smoke weed what i'm doing, please don't be so stupied to say "it's adictive" just my 2 cents , smoke brother be cool , and spread the love of christ not some crazy bible laws do or don't , peace!!!
Well, let me put it this way: if the Bible says we are to treat our body as the temple of God, do you think you should inject anything harmful into it?
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