Non Contact Infrared Thermometer -- $19.99
While Supplies Last
  • OMG, clitorial for me.. I go fuckin crazzzy.. I am addicted to it...
  • Clitoral. Some women prefer vaginal, immensely (some women's clitoris' aren't all that sensitive). Many women aren't brought to orgasm by vaginal stimulation. Although--thankfully--I'm not one of them. I would never have sex, if it weren't so. My whole area down there is extra-sensitive. I don't want to ruin that, with childbirthing. Not against having babies...just against ME having babies. Clitoral stimulation can bring me to a peak in five minutes. I may be too sensitive. Not that I'm complaining.
  • Loooooooooooovvvvvvvvve a woman for whom vaginal stimulation is what its all about.
  • Clitoral and Vaginal at the same time is heaven!!!
  • clitoral!

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