• Spanish people come from God, silly!
  • America
  • The land of spanishia of course =/. Really people, education!
  • uhhh SPAIN derrr
  • Spain or China. I forget ;)
  • Spain would be my guess
  • Well my Father was Spanish and believe it or not, he came from San Sebastian in Northern Spain.
  • I'll take Spain for 400, Alex........
  • Spanish people are from earth.
  • 1) "The earliest modern humans inhabiting Spain are believed to have been Paleolithic peoples that may have arrived in the Iberian Peninsula as early as 35,000-40,000 years ago. In more recent times the Iberians are believed to have arrived or developed in the region between the 4th millennium BC and the 3rd millennium BC, initially settling along the Mediterranean coast. Celtic tribes arrived in Iberia between the 9th century BC and the 6th century BC. The Celts merged with the Iberians in central Spain, creating a local hybrid culture known as Celtiberian. In addition, a group known as the Tartessians and later Turdetanians inhabited southwestern Spain and who are believed to have developed a separate civilization of Phoenician influence. The seafaring Phoenicians, Greeks and Carthaginians successively settled along the Mediterranean coast and founded trading colonies there over a period of several centuries. The Second Punic War between the Carthaginians and Romans was fought mainly in what is now Spain and Portugal. The Roman Republic annexed Iberia during the 2nd century BC and transformed most of the region into a series of Latin-speaking provinces. As a result of Roman colonization, the majority of local languages, with the exception of Basque, stem from a type of vulgarized Latin that was spoken in Hispania (Roman Iberia), which evolved into the modern languages of the Iberian peninsula, including Castilian, which became the unifying language of Spain, and now known in many countries as Spanish. Hispania (including Spain, but also Portugal) emerged as an important part of the Roman Empire and produced notable historical figures such as Trajan, Hadrian and Seneca. The Germanic Vandals and their subordinates the Iranic Alans arrived around 409 AD, but were displaced to North Africa by another Germanic tribe, the Visigoths who conquered the region around 415 AD and became the dominant power in Iberia for a time. Iberian-Roman culture eventually romanized the Visigoths and other tribes. Another Germanic tribe, the Suebi (including the Buri), who arrived at roughly the same time as the Vandals, became established in the old North western Roman province of Gallaecia a kingdom which survived until late 6th century when it too was integrated by the Visigoths. The Vandals may have given their name to the region, which was originally "Vandalucia" or land of the Vandals (which would be the source of Al-Andalus the Arab name of this Iberian region). In 711, the Iberian Peninsula was invaded by Muslim Arab-Berbers, popularly known as the Moors, who conquered nearly all the peninsula except the Kingdom of Asturias in the very northern part and subsequently ruled part of the region as Al-Andalus, but were driven south during their reign, ruling areas from between three to nearly eight centuries, ending with their defeat in 1492. These Muslim invaders were mainly of Berber origin with prominent Arab tribal leaders mixed in and they converted many locals to Islam to the point that at certain points in time Muslims outnumbered Christians. Muslims of Hispanic origin were generally known as Muladis (or Muwalladin in Arabic), "those born of foreign parentage" (though the idea "foreign" in this case meant "foreign" to the Arab and Berbers). Muslim Iberia was known as Al-Andalus. Ultimately, most Muslims and Sephardi Jews were either forcibly converted to Christianism or expelled after the Christian reconquest (Reconquista). The union of the Kingdoms of Castille and Aragon and the conquest of Granada led to the formation of the Spanish state as we know it today and thus to the development of Spanish identity in the form of one people." "The ancestry of modern Spaniards has been influenced by the many peoples which have passed on its territory throughout history. These peoples include the Iberians, Celts (Celtiberians), Phoenicians (Punics), Greeks, Carthaginians, Romans, Vandals, Suebi, Visigoths, Saqaliba (Slavs), Alans Byzantines, Berbers and Arabs (Moors), Jews (Sephardim) or Marranos, and particularly in Andalusia, the Roma people (Gitanos)." Source and further information: 2) "The origin of the Iberians is not known. There is no proof about a hypothetical origin in North Africa, today an obsolete theory." Source and further information: "As Wikipedia specifies in its own articles, Iberians didn't come from anywhere... In fact the most accepted theory nowadays is that Iberians were simple the branch of Western Europe original inhabitants who lived in the Iberian peninsula. A little look at Great Britain, Ireland or France histories shows that Iberians or Iberian-related people lived in all the area long before historic records or the immigration of Indoeuropeans, and were responsible for all the great megalithic culture in Western Europe." Source:
    • Whitehair
      Nice to see you here, iwnit - and thank you for the surprise lecture. Always good to refresh knowledge. especially when the memory shrinks.....
  • Russian are decendents of viking, I want to know, were do Spanish people come from. Origin.
  • Iwnit's references from Wikipedia (top answer) seems to cover the complex history pretty thoroughly. Another story I've heard is that as the Roman Empire disintegrated, those who could afford to left Italy for Spain. The poorer families stayed behind and today speak Italian. Descendants of the wealthier ones who escaped speak a more "upper class" form of Latin (Spanish).
  • 3-4-2017 Spain, but they didn't have a name until sailors from Carthage gave them one. Spain was rabbit country, and the Carthaginian word for rabbit was span, so they called the country Espania and the little dog was called Spaniel.
  • iwnit has given a good answer. Briefly, there were peoples on the Iberian peninsula from early times, and it has been an area of great mixing population wise. The earliest peoples we can identify clearly were Celtic in Culture and language. In the final years before Christ, the area came under Roman Rule. Over the next four centuries, Latin displaced the celtic languages (but not basque, which descends from a pre-Celtic language). Even the Visigothic invaders at the end of the Roman era eventually accepted both Christianity and the variety of Latin that was slowly changing into Spanish. In 711, North African Muslims invaded the peninsula, bringing their culture. Over their 700 year domination of Spain, they also contributed DNA to the mix. The last 'Moors' were expelled in 1492, with the taking of Granada.

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