i could me Love of God Jah means Jah (pronounced[help] /ˈdÊ’É‘Ë/) is a name for God, most commonly used in the Rastafari movement. It comes from the Hebrew יָהּ = Yah [jah].
Peace, blessing and thanks!
The King James version of the bible shows us in Psalm 68: 1-4 WHO JAH IS, (The ONE that IS), which comes from JAHOVIAH, (Exodus 3: 14. Therefore JAH LOVE IS HIM. 1 John 4: 7-16.
gods perfect love
May you be blessed with the love of Jah. His love is pure, real, unselfish. Jah Bless/Jah Love Empress Ilka
jah love simply means taht jah cares for his in the love of the most high and youll be redeemed
Jah love I and I: God(Jahoviah) Loves his People.
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