• Somewhat tipsy?
    • Linda Joy
  • I don't think that's an answer.
    • Linda Joy
      Neither is yours. Comments go underneath the answer.
    • MichaelXD
      Newsflash. I'm the one that asked the question.
    • Linda Joy
      Not news to me. I was trying to help you. But don't worry I'm done with that now.
  • they could be having a stroke or be drunk, if theyre having a stroke they need to go to the er
    • MichaelXD
      I wasn't having a stroke. I communicate English just perfectly fine. It's the family being dicks and assholes.
  • It means you can't understand what they're saying very well.
    • MichaelXD
      They were referring to me. Let me rephrase. The question was referring to me. They is from Quora.
    • Linda Joy
      I was answering the question.
    • MichaelXD
      Well then don't be rude when I tell you my version of the question.
    • Linda Joy
      I wasn't being rude. I think maybe you're looking through an angry lens. In any case I hope you're feeling better!
  • It could mean that the person survived a head on collision with a drunk driver and is the symptom of brain trauma. (true story)

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