• In the UK, you can buy really huge gobstoppers that are the size of a small football. They are marketed under the name of never ending gobstoppers. So yes, you can buy never ending gobstoppers. Though technically, you could actually suck it until it was all gone, because they are made up of the same things normal gobstoppers are made of. It's just they're so huge that the chances of you bothering to suck it all are so remote. You'd most probably get bored of it first. As far as I know, and have found out, it would be impossible to produce a gobstopper that never ended, no matter how much you sucked it, because the gobstopper would have to be made from plastic, or some other material that the saliva in your mouth couldn't digest and dissolve. As suck a plastic gobstopper you may as well suck a ping pong ball!
  • No, because your saliva contains enzymes and acid to break down particles. The only kind of everlasting gobstopper would probably be made of some indestuctable matter and it probably wont taste very good. Even if you put some kind of flavoring on the outside of it, it will eventually be dissolved.
  • Sadly no. +5
  • yes, it's called a rock ; )
  • Willy Wonka pulled these off the market due to a spate of permanently stopped gobs.

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