• Dont walk on ponds or lakes that get frozen until you see a duck pecking at the ice..6 inches thick would be safe enough to walk on.
  • It depends on if that ice is on water or on the ground, I guess.
  • They say that ice thickness starts to be safe around 4-6", but ice doesn't freeze evenly across a pond or lake. It can easily be 5" one spot and be less than 3" just 2-3 feet away. Be wary of ice with snow on top because snow is a great insulator and will keep the ice from being very hard. The ice nearest the shore is very variable. That is where you have to be very careful! Here is a rundown of what the different thicknesses are suitable for: 3" (7 cm) (new ice) - KEEP OFF 4" (10 cm) - suitable for ice fishing, cross-country skiing and walking (approx. 200 pounds) 5" (12 cm) - suitable for a single snowmobile or ATV (approx. 800 pounds) 8" - 12" (20 - 30 cm) - suitable for one car, group of people (approx. 1500 - 2000 pounds) 12" - 15" (30 - 38 cm) - suitable for a light pickup truck or a van

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