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  • Incense.
  • ciggarete smoke, body spray, Anything like that
  • Incense, burning white sage.
  • smoke in a bong then after just blow it away from you
  • The truth is, there ain't none.
  • Nag Champa
  • Bake it in a cake, or brownies ... do not smoke it.
  • yes there is this website they sell stuff to cover the smell of weed
  • yeah, cigarettes, and alcohol
  • There is no completely effective way to cover up the smell of weed (believe me I tried everything when I lived in the dorms). However, the good news is the scent from the smoke fades quickly and doesn't leave much of a residue smell like cigarettes or something. If you are carrying pot on you and it smells, try to wrap the weed in a bundle of something, or just relish it!
  • Ok I got this idea somewhere on the web. It doesn't work 100 percent but it does work better than spraying. Use a paper towel tube or even better, a wrapping paper tube (because it's longer) and stuff it loosely with dryer sheets. Whenever you exhale do it through that and spray after. It works pretty well but it's not 100 percent. You've got to pretty much use various methods in combination but I'm definitely gonna check out myself.
  • I have tried almost everything i heard to cover up the smell of weed. i tried just incense.. didnt work. stunk too much and lingered out the the other rooms and hallway. i tried blowing all the smoke out the window thinking their would be no smell.. yet again it didnt work.. i guess enough just gets in the air enough to smell. I found a perfect way to not only cover up the weed smell but also get rid of it.. set any incense near the door and use Febreze Air effects air freshener.. get it at walmart or wherever. Spring and renewal smells good and works!
  • don't smoke it, eat it.
  • i used to get a tiolet paper roll and stuff it with dryer sheets and blow my smoke through it while burning an inscent!
  • incense man.
  • what i do is just eat it it tasts wierd and smells but just chew some gum and you dont have to worry about smelling and you get twice as fadded
  • Open a window, turn a fan on and light some scented candles. Try to blow your hits out the window.
  • Burn incense, and exhale into a blanket. Also the smell of burned microwave popcorn covers up almost eveything.
  • yo mans (womans) i have this thing my buddys buddy invented called the dan device, works PERFECT every time... you know paper towel tubes, the cardboard ones, stuff one of those with dryer sheets, like bounty or whatever.. i mean stuff the thing full, tappe it up or something so the sheets stay nicely compacted (but remeber you must leave room to blow your toke in the tube), blow your toke in one side of the tube and a good smelling scent, not recognizable to marijuanna comes out the other side....sickkkkk toooll BLAZE IN YOUR ROOM FOREVER MUWAHAHA
  • Uh...don't smoke it, eat it or buy it and if its not in your home/car/clothes you should be fine.
  • run a bath or shower, and smoke out of the bathroom window, the steam and condensation will carry the weed smoke out of the window, it takes about 20-30 mins for the smell to totally go,
  • Go into your bathroom, turn on the hot water full blast. Wait till the steam is built up put a towel under the door and light up. The smoke molecules bond with the molecules of the steam and when you leave out it will smell like you just took at shower. Done it many times and it workds
  • Patchouli dude. Sheesh.
  • DON"T SMOKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • heres the foolproof way pack mini bowls in a bong(or a big one if u can do it) and take them it in one hit so all the smoke goes into you and then exhale throu a window with a sploof(a sploof is the center of a paper towel role filled with dryer sheets, the more the better but dont overdo it)and close the window on the sploof so the wind doesnt blow the smoke back in. put a wet towel under the door, and for a bonus seal the window with a towel
  • Make sure that every one is asleep in the house. Put a blanket under the door so no smoke lingers out. Role up a joint, smoke the joint and put a fan in front of a window and make sure there is no smoke that goes away from the fan, Put a blanket under the door so no smoke lingers out. after your done light a incent. and enjoy! =]
  • Personally, I like to have a Black & Mild burning if possible while smoking. That does a decent job of covering up the smell. Just puff on the Black & Mild when the herb isn't on you in the rotation.
  • The best way to cover up weed smell is to smoke in the bathroom. Turn on shower, use all hot water. This creates steam. Light an incense and open up the window and you're good.
  • Incense may be good enough for people who dont mind that thick muggy smell that radiates. Plus incense seem to be a dead give away to some people. I've found that burning scented oils are your best best. A good quality works the best at covering the smell and not stinking. Bath and Body works carries a wonderful assortment of "aroma therapy" oils that are awesome. Spearmint Eucalyptus smells great and is fairly mild.
  • Make some meth, it works everytime. LOL.
  • the smell on you, take a shower or put cologne the room open the windows and spray some kind of body spray or anything smelly
  • Not smoke it at all.
  • frebreeze air affects- works great, and also spray a tad bit of cologne works
  • cover ? exhale into a paper roll tube with laundry sheets in it. wanna get serious use a ozone generator
  • shove it up your a$$ and then you won't know which smell is worse.
  • Flush the illegal substance down the toilet then light a Glade candle.
  • Light a scented candle before you start smoking.
  • Fart spray in a can, that will overpower anything.
  • Coffee... or just not smoking it works too.
  • it at walmart in the car air freshener department its about 5 dollars and it takes away the smell not just covers it up. a bottle will last you about 2 weeks if you don't smoke non stop.
  • The best way is to light an incense in your apartment go in your bathroom use a wet towel under the door(only if your really paranoid) then turn your shower on as hot as it will go open the shower curtain all the way and the steam will start to build up. the water molacules will incase the smell of the weed (steam is a proven smell killer) keep the shower running for like a minute after your done just to make sure all the smoke has been absorbed by the steam. then step out enjoy your high and no one will be the wiser. Stay medicated
  • after you get done smoking (if your parents arent parinoid about you smoking that is if you live w/them) Just take two different types of deoderant or airfreshener and spray around then put down carpet cleaner let sit over night then just vaccum and trust me the carpet cleaner works great because the smoke settles in on the rug and then just stinks for ever
  • ummmm.... tha best way to smoke weed in ur house n not get busted is first if u gotta bathroom wit a window go there. nxt is a bedroom... n if u have to ur living room. all rooms must have a window tht goes outside. ok now watever ur using to smoke with bong, pipe, joint, soda can. etc. dnt let it get within 5 ft away frm tha window... always blow out tha window. if ur with like thrre or more friends then u gotta instead of passin ur device juss rotate around. wen ur done smoking take ur ash n throw it in tha grass outside or in ur neighbors grass. n clean ur pipe or bong. or throw ur soda can in ur neighbors recycables or in a public can. if u got a joint make sure its ashed all out n throw it outside someware. it mite smell in ur room or house fr a lil wile if u did a joint. juss dnt sketch it will all go out thry tha window. a portable fan wrks grate as long as u point it towards the window. after ur done smokin leave tha windowopen fr 30 min to an hour fr best results.
  • If your in a room, put a towel in front of the door, just on the bottom, stuff it under the main crack to first make sure it doesnt get out of the room. When you smoke, exhale in a pillow or blanket, sometimes what I do is actually create a "blanket fortress" and breathe into a pillow, open the window, and then to make sure nothing got out, I use Febreeze Air freshner, and you wouldn't even know someone smoked weed, of course your eyes would beg to differ :P
  • Dont cover it up, eliminate it this has worked for me and it is the best ever...
  • The empty paper towel roll stuffed with a few dozen dryer sheets does work well. Blowing smoke through the said contraption wil act as a filter. Nag Champa and febreeze febreeze fahbreeeeze!
  • The best way is to get an empty tissue roll, and some dryer sheets. The scented ones. put some in the empty toilet paper roll and one over the end of it, fasten with rubber bands. exhale through the opposite side of the roll so the smoke will come out through the dryer sheet and the room will smell like the dryer sheet instead of ganja. Best when smoking pipes or bongs, Cover the top of the bong with your hand when not hitting it and load one good hit at a time to avoid stream smoke.

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