• Maybe... but it's also the land of the Milwaukee Metal Fest, thus is awesome.
  • It's indeed a large producer of two of my favorite things. Also: "Wisconsin is often perceived as a farming state. It produces more dairy products than any other state in the United States except California, and leads the nation in cheese production. Wisconsin ranks second behind California in overall production of milk and butter, and it ranks third in per-capita milk production, behind Idaho and Vermont. Based on poll results, Governor Jim Doyle chose for Wisconsin's 50 State Quarters design a Holstein cow, an ear of corn, and a wheel of cheese. Wisconsin ranks first in the production of corn for silage, cranberries, ginseng, and snap beans for processing. Wisconsin is also a leading producer of oats, potatoes, carrots, tart cherries, maple syrup, and sweet corn for processing." I might move there, if only they could do something about the chilly weather...
  • It may be the land of beer I do not know! But it cannot be the land of cheese that surely must be the moon!
  • Wisconsin would have been my guess for beer, but after a little research it seems that Vermont is in First place followed by Oregon. Who would've thunk it? The good news is that sugar can be metabolized into alcohol by most humans! Yeah!
  • It is of cheese. I don't think it's the land of beer, though I am sure beer is made there (Schlitz, which is my dad's favorite.)
  • Sure is...even if you go outside of Wisconsin you will find cheese labelled "Wisconsin cheese" at supermarkets. And there are (or were) lots of breweries in Wisco.
  • I've lived my entire life in Milwaukee, and one thing there has never been a shortage of is beer, or cheese for that matter. Also never had a shortage of brats, Packer fans and shots. You can expect a bar on most corners, and sometimes you'll even find a house in the middle of a residential block that's been made into a bar. And in the summertime, we have Summerfest, an 11 day music festival.
  • Yes, and sausages too. It's pretty much a triple bypass trifecta.
  • Don't forget the bratwurst!
  • awesome beer here! ;) new glarus brewing wins medals in world and national competitions all the time. some other great wisconsin microbrews are capitol brewing, grays brewing, lakefront brewery, leinenkugel brewing and sprecher brewing. there's a bunch of others, but i think these are the best ones. ;)
  • Yes, amongst many other things.
  • maybe, never been there

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