The beautiful children they produce....
The two people involved get exposed to a different culture, and hopefully, that exposure is interesting and educational.
What's a good thing about dating anyone? Does race really matter? From a pragmatic point of view, interracial dating will have at least as many hurdles and rewards as intraracial dating. My vote: date blindly, and I don't mean blind dates.
As the children from these couples are growing up, it's helping to break down the racial barriers.
The greatest thing in my opinion is that two people care for each other as people and the interacial thing has no meaninng at all.
I have never found anything bad about it ...never and everything to like about it takes 'balls' to do it in the face of hypocrites and bigots ...besides love is blind anyway
mixed children ;) lol
Coffee Colored Kids !
Great food.
It also promotes interracial understanding.
Better Genes.
It shows that you have more of an open mind that some others.
no fooling-the contast of her milk chocolate DD's against my tanned white boys chest-turns us both on. superficial but true
The fact that people are people and they are behaving in a way that all people who care about each other behave. I cannot see it is different to any other kind of dating. It is only different if you think it is different.
My answer would be in people were dating interracially, they'll get the understanding of other cultures and hopefully break racial boundaries.
If we inter-bread enough we will all be the same color and will finally be able to hate someone for the person they are with out being labeled a racist.
I dont know, but what I hear from people who date black men say their the bomb, so I guess its a good thing.
black men are well hung and wild in bed... so i hear...
learning about new culture new movies new music new FOOD new lanuages new clothing attire and styles and with all this learning comes understanding knowledge and hopefully a few more open minded people
Well, I am in an interracial relationship, but I don't really think of my relationship with my boyfriend like that for the most part. I think the beauty of an interracial relationship is when two people accept each other and love each other, regardless of each other's race.
The understanding of other cultures, less ignorance.
You can learn a lot about different cultures
Interracial dating opens up the mind and expose both parties to different cultures. It gives both parties the opportunity to become a more accepting person. Source:
Learn a new culture. I've never really looked at race when dating, or anything else, it doesnt matter. If he's hot, nice, and can blow my socks off in bed, race means nothing. You do learn quite alot about another culture tho, so to me it's a bonus(my BF is Indian)
The exciting knowing different culture and learn about another new culture...
I think everyone already said the best things! But I will add another one: Cute babies of all colors :):)
Ask Tiger Woods and his wife. They are interracial, but have succeeded in a good arriage.
I thought the color of one's skin did not matter. That said I will pretend interracial is droped from the sentence and answer. . One good thing about dating is getting to know another person.
nothing date who you like and thats all,if people wanna talk tell them to go screw themselves,were all related...though from a breeding standpoint,hybrids should be healthier and stronger...
If the two of you get it together your kids will get hybridization benefit, and most likely be smart and resilent.
it gives me more variety ! +5
When I limit love by a race standard I have done just that...I have limited love. Having said that I don't wake up and say it's vanilla ice cream today. No magnetizim no chemistry it's no go... that's that. Skin color or ethnicity is not a factor.
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