• There are moral and immoral people in the world. Religion (or the absence of it) has nothing to do with it. OK EDIT: All religions say this and that, do this and that, don't do this and that. But in the end, it is the individual human being who decides how to live his or life.
  • maybe they're elitist pricks like several Christians I happen to know
  • What exactly sets the standards for an atheist? Christians believe in the Bible's guidelines, Jews in the Hebrew Scriptures and the Torah. What teachings does an atheist look to?
  • atheists can be all they want to be without depending on god to hand it to them.
  • Certainly an Atheist can have morals. The real question is where does his/her sense of ethics come from? It probably doesn't come from God, so it is most likely based on whatever is fashionable in society at the moment. The problem with the secular approach to morals is that mob rule hardly produces a rock solid sense of right and wrong. I think that’s why so many Atheists I’ve met have argued that there is no “good” or “bad” in the universe. Far too many people (Atheist or not) just make things up as they go along – or create a personal set of principals based on whatever is convenient right now.
  • Good question. I do not believe that any of us are good due to our sinful nature, so no, I do not. I also believe that all morality comes from God. However, they can be moral by man's standards and are often times much kinder and less dangerous than many religious people(not all, but many, such as the extremist Muslims and the murderous Roman Catholic Institution from the Dark Ages). Most atheists that I have talked to are nice people with very good intentions and I enjoy talking with them. I do not believe that any of us, myself included, are good, though because we all fall short of God's glory. Only in Christ do we have any morality or goodness in us and that is His goodness and morality. I hope that this is helpful. :) -In the Master's service. Thank you and God bless you!
  • Not all Atheists are immoral. Not all Christians are self-righteous pricks. Not all Muslims are suicide bombers... I think the misconceptions people get are usually from a very small minority who are SO outspoken and draw SO much attention to themselves that we tend to overlook the good people who make up the majority! :D
  • according to the rightousness (compared to Gods) is like filthy rags. There are idiots in all walks of life and Christians are not exempt here...I know of some so-called Christians that have very poor morals, they believe in God but they set aside their morals from time to time, you'll also find these same so-called Christians twist and bend the Bible so it fits their life. Having your name on a church roster merely makes you a member, it does nothing to make you right and/or perfect anymore than being an Atheists makes yuo a killer or a thief. -Buddy
  • I think it's because the idea that morals are not a gift from God scares people. It makes the basis for why they believe what they do to be very shaky at best. It also takes away the sense of supiourity they have. I know several Atheists and they are for the most part as moral as any Chritian out there. The only diffrence is that an Atheist's morals are set by what they feel is right while a religious person's is set by what a book tells them is. The truth of the matter is the morals that the relgious follow and claim are from their god are nothing new. Men have been following those codes for centuries. The diffrence is the code without god is flexable and can change as we learn more about ourselves and the world around us while the relgious codes are pretty much set in stone.
  • So, Saved and Martin - without wanting to get disrespectful here, you've confidently asserted that: Animals have sorta kinda a soul - with no supporting evidence, even from your bible. Animals can't choose between good and bad - with no supporting evidence, even from your bible. There was "nothing" before the god of Abraham - in spite of reams upon reams of evidence to the contrary. Anyone not believing in your specific interpretation of the words of your specific god is just guessing at right and wrong - in spite of reams upon reams of evidence to the contrary. And then you say atheists just make stuff up as they go along?
  • I don't think people think that.
  • Because people are closed-minded sheep who only listen to what they're told. Of course Atheists can be moral. They are just as moral, if not more so, than religious people, because their sense of morality comes from contemplation and discovery, not some spoon-fed sense of sin that's preached from a podium in the middle of some congregation.
  • I don't think the lack of religion could make someone immoral. I've known Atheists with high moral standards, Christians with none, and so on. I am an atheist, and I have moral standards...
  • I think morality is about how you treat others and how your actions affect others. A moral person would do the right thing, or good as opposed to bed. Keep in mind that something my not be acceptable in on part of the world, but might be perfectly acceptable in another part of the world. Just my opinion.
  • No, I don't think about Atheists at all.
  • I think it's sad that morality is seen by most people as stemming from religion.. I practice my own morality without the use of religion as I think every non-religious person does..
  • I think that no matter what you do or don't believe, you have a sense of right and wrong. However, everyone's sense of right and wrong is different no matter who you are or what you worship.
  • This question used to be such a baffle to us atheists... it was so obvious a question that we were baffled by its simplicity.. I've read so many answers on this question, and at the end of it all came out no more knowledable about the subject other than all people have morals.. So after going to other sources of information I've finally come across the answer which we were taught since we our first year of school! Its so simple.. Morality is something religion preaches. I suppose people are right when they say atheists dont have morality, becuase they dont follow a religion (the non-religious atheists anyways). [EDIT] Actually we still do have morals just not morals that religion preaches, rules and regulations we have on our own, but when we decide what we consider right or wrong.. we base it on something else besides religion (ethics). Basically in the bible morals can be not to steal, but if God tells you to jump on one foot and pat your head, it would be moral to obey, because thats what morality is. What everyone in humanity has is ethics. Ethics is not dictated by religion. Ethics boils down to mercy. Behaving in a way that gives most mercy, basically decreasing suffering to 0. So the motto that basically every person follows atheists or religious people "Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you" It is that simple. That is our "morality". We dont kill because we know that if someone killed us we wouldnt like that. But what is more interesting is the fact of trying not to create suffering. This even beats religion, which contains punishment for your sins... eye for an eye and all that mess.. while ethics basically says dont cause suffering.. that is a much more healthier way to view things, and that is how everyone should live. So when you are wondering "What are my morals?" Always remember "Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you" :). See we do learn important things even as far back as in the beginning of our education!
  • atheists can believe in altruism.
  • Im a Christian and i think atheists can be moral, self sacrificing, loving and accepting. And i beleive many people who clame to love God can not be these things. I beleive what the bible says is true when it says if one clames to love God but hates his brother, other human beings, then one is a lier, and he dosnt know God, or his brother. But i also beleive you can look at it the other way; if one says he dosent love God, or even beleive he exists, but loves his brother then in reality he loves God, just not the view of god that he has. So if one is a moral, loving person then Gods with that person in a deep unknown way, and is very capable of being moral.
  • I think they are more capable of being moral, since they don't forcefully adhere to antiquated laws.
  • As a matter of fact i really don't care what other people think about my code of ethics! At least I have ethics! it has been my experience that the theists act differently! Many Theists say they have morals, and then they do as they please when they think that no one is looking! Some Christ-like behavior!!
  • The problem is people really aren't particularly moral. Although many people believe it wrong to hurt others without cause or to steal they have no problem using government to get things they want and somehow rationalize that it isn't stealing, or they'll say cruel things or they'll believe that whatever two consenting adults choose to do with one another is perfectly okay never mind the resulting unwanted pregnancies which result in abortion etc. And no man will be moral enough to placate God for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. As already noted, our righteousness is like filthy rags to God so it isn't that atheists can't be relatively moral by human standards, human standards are like a septic tank to God and we are utterly incapable, without God's help, of ever truly being moral (the evil that has been done throughout our recorded history should amply demonstrate that).
  • If one's morality is dependant on being a theist, then it isn't genuinely ethical.
  • Perhaps many people believe that atheists are not capable of being moral people because they view them as people who do not have a religion. However, I personally know atheists who have more morals than people who claim to be saved.
  • So many people have been raised hearing from their preachers and reading in their bibles that atheists are immoral. Many people don't like to admit they've been duped their whole lives, so they perpetuate the lie.
  • Yes totally. Just because we don't have the same beliefs as others doesn't mean we don't know right from wrong.
  • i think Atheist are moral people even if they don't believe in God. it might be better if they did but that"s a different. topic i don't think being a christian or whatever makes you a better person
  • Why do atheists believe that people who are religious aren't intelligent? See, neither view is correct. All people have the capacity and demonstrate both things. There are moral unintelligent atheists and there are immoral intelligent religious people.
  • I would rather be an ethical atheist, than a believer with morals, or rather lack thereof! Many people think that because we don't believe in the God of Abraham, that we can not be good people! Believers tend to cherry pick what they believe, and what I think is the same today, and will be the same tomorrow! A person who needs a book, that is 2000 years old, to tell them that it is wrong to kill, rape, rob, treat others with respect? frankly scares the hell out of me, ( pun intended)!! I know, that because the law of the land is clear on crimes, and punishment, what the consequences will be if I break the law!! I don't like the idea of jail, so I am NOT going to do ANYTHING, that will put me there! Anyone who says that I am not ethical? doesn't know me, and has no right to judge me, unless they do! I do NOT need a god, to tell me the differences between all that is wrong, or, all that is right, and how I should treat others, and how I want others to treat me! Morals look and sound good on paper, but the reality is, that cherry pickers are going to do what they want to do, and don't really care about the effects, or repercussions!
  • I don't understand why people need to have labels to begin with. You believe what you believe. We're all human beings,period.
  • I'm an atheist, I'm moral. Why? I'm human and I can feel empathy. Basic stuff, I think.
  • In a world were I could be forgiven for wrong I had done I might be more likely to behave that way. In my world there is no one to forgive me so I just try do the right thing.
  • If a person is really interested in being moral, he'll believe in God.
  • Unfortunately the most vocal atheists tend to be insulting, overbearing and intolerant of the beliefs of others. They seem completely convinced of their intellectual superiority and intent on flaunting that conviction. I don't think the majority of atheists are this way, but I think the ones that most of us are subjected to are. It's too bad that the more tolerant atheists aren't given more attention, but it's that whole squeaky wheel factor. These are the people that we see. More atheist organizations should get involved in charity work. It would change the general impression.
  • Actually, in most cases they're *more* "moral" because their behaviour is purely one of choice, not dictated by external fear of punishment or "after-life" reward.
  • I think that they can be amoral. For atheists morality is almost condemned to relativity which completely robs it of any power or purpose.
  • As an atheist I will say this. I know Christians who have few if any morals at all and who love to tell what I am supposed to do but when it comes down to doing the right thing they refuse to do it. they will gladly say "it's not my place to get involved. God will take care of them or someone will handle that". My mother is that way. She is hard core Christian. every mistake I make sends me to Hell but if she knows about a crime being committed it's not her place to get involved. and I know a lot of Christians that way so I question who has the problem with morality and ethics. Do not question my ethics or morality based on the fact I do not believe in a book based on inconsistencies or some made up fairy tale.
  • Its unfair to categorize all Atheists as incapable of being moral or otherwise. Regardless, no human is perfect. We are all sinners. The important thing is whether we will be with god when they die or not, and Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation.
  • Do what you want as long as you respect peoples' rights. This is a very basic humane rule of freedom. We don't need religious texts to figure this out.
  • Christian moral arguments: MORAL ARGUMENT (I) (1) Person X, a well-known atheist, was morally inferior to the rest of us. (2) Therefore, God exists. MORAL ARGUMENT (II) (1) In my younger days I was a cursing, drinking, smoking, gambling, child-molesting, thieving, murdering, bed-wetting bastard. (2) That all changed once I became religious. (3) Therefore, God exists.
  • Morals are just a societies point of view of right and wrong; if you want to fit in a society then you follow their morals. Not all societies have the same morals and most seem to be designed for the perceived good of the community. Religion has very little to do with it.
  • The deeper question here is, "what is the meaning to life". Man does not though which leads to thoughts or needing of a higher power.
  • atheist can be very moral. if you don't have someone that will just forgive you if you ask. you have to be your own moral compas
  • when one is atheist his beliefs are his own he has not been indoctrinated he still has the power to see the right form the wrong in a moving world according to each situation. so can give a better faster and fairer judgment . religious people need to look up in a complicated contradictory dogmatic book to try and find the answers . as if they do not have a brain of their own.
  • Because they are closed-minded inviduals. They expects us atheists to respect their believes while vice-versa doesn't apply. Talk about equality and mutual respect.
  • The question isn't if Atheists have morals, it's what reason do they have for morals, and where did they come from?
  • If you sell cocaine and I sell heroin, I am not a foe, just competition, finally a colleague. It is only the ones who reject the whole idea of drugs who I have a dispute with. I would better discredit them before it is too late.
  • I think the ability to repent for any wrong doings no matter how severe and then just go do them again and repent again actually makes theists less moral. I am an atheist and am more moral than the majority of folks I know. Morality comes from within not from imaginary beings.
  • I'm an atheist and I'm moral.
  • Morality is not dictated by fairy tales and superstitions. Moralities genesis is not paranormal. I would say theists are far more immoral than atheists.
  • yes, i think an atheist is capable of morality. though the atheist denies the existence of his Creator. the Creator endowed the atheist with moral capacities in spite of the atheist refusing to believe he was created in God's image. Jehovah does not play favorites in this regard. he gives everyone equal opportunity. as well as the right to deny the existence of the very one that bestowed him with many attributes, qualities, and talents. Jehovah never wants anyone forced, or to worship him for no other reason than out of a pure and willing heart.
  • I think many people are taught that morals come from the bible. Following that logic, those who reject the teachings of the bible reject its morality. Therefore atheists cannot be moral people. The problem is that the first premise is faulty. Morality does not come from the bible, or god, or religion. It comes from people and it has evolved with us. Therefore, we are all capable of being moral, religion or no.
  • I believe atheists have morality, because not all morality is linked to a religion.
  • Of course. Duh. Look around you. Do you see atheists being suicide bombers? nope. Only extreme RELIGIOUS fanatics. that's an extreme example. OBVIOUSLY, atheists can be moral. Consider this one: God didn't tell us not to murder because he thought it wrong. He said it because it IS wrong, quite apart from his "rules." This means God ain't the ultimate moral source, and people who believe he is are misguided, to say the least
  • Yes, I'm not atheist but I think atheists are a little more accepting of other faiths, and also respect people as well.
  • This was me before I got saved. Seriously,think about it. You don't fear God, you feel when you are dead. So honestly do you think if a person is not afraid of God, feels there is no eternal damnation that they would respect moral laws? I was not one of them. I did not recognize the law and did not respect it. But Jesus came into my life and now I do. And I know that I know that I know that I have eternal life. It is OK to hit me back because I know this will get the Atheists mad at me.
  • Atheist can be moral sure. But they learned it from somewhere, probably their parents. Morality is not born into us. Morality is learned/taught. Most 'laws' regarding morality come form religious teachings, from way back. If, therefor, the world had no religions (as would be the case if everyone were atheists), it is entirely possible that morality would be greatly lacking. Often it is knowing we answer to a higher power which drives us to be moral, even when no one else is looking.
  • MORAL FOR DICTIONARY.COM 1. of, pertaining to, or concerned with the principles or rules of right conduct or the distinction between right and wrong; ethical: moral attitudes. 2. expressing or conveying truths or counsel as to right conduct, as a speaker or a literary work; moralizing: a moral novel. 3. founded on the fundamental principles of right conduct rather than on legalities, enactment, or custom: moral obligations. 4. capable of conforming to the rules of right conduct: a moral being. 5. conforming to the rules of right conduct (opposed to immoral ): a moral man. 6. virtuous in sexual matters; chaste. 7. of, pertaining to, or acting on the mind, feelings, will, or character: moral support. 8. resting upon convincing grounds of probability; virtual: a moral certainty. –noun 9. the moral teaching or practical lesson contained in a fable, tale, experience, etc. 10. the embodiment or type of something. 11. morals, principles or habits with respect to right or wrong conduct. Atheists can know right from wrong. Even within religions communities we disagree on some rules. We base our rules on different sources yet "fallen man" still accepts the golden rule from the bible. And most of us religious folks still agree with the laws of the land most of time. There are many rules we have in common. We can be moral together on these.
  • Good question! +++ I guess i could be agonostic. But many believe (generalisation) if your not religious you can't be moral. Or as moral as them etc. They're like why/how would/could you do that? Its not like you believe in a god or anything. And i'm like because i have my own morals...I want to do the right thing. Not because some god is up there watching, but because i believe its the right thing to do.
  • Because there is a stigma towards Athiests, that because we have no God, that we are automatically uncapable of carrying out good deeds and having moral values. Which I think is absolutely absurd, I am a very strong Atheist and I am a very well brought up person who knows her values and what I want to accomplish in my life. My beliefs towards a higher being being or no being have no effects on what kind of person I am. So, yes, Atheists can be very moral. People are moral through learning what they believe to be wrong or right, they learn how they want to be through life expriences and other contributions. It is not religion that makes us moral, it is yourself. It is the environment your were brought up in, your parenting, what you were exposed to, and ect. There are plenty people in jail who are Evangicals, Christians, Athiests, and Muslims alike. So who is to say that having a religion OR not having a religion shapes your moral values?
  • Atheists probably don't advertise that they are non-believers. Why argue? I can't convert a believer any more than they can convert me. I am a good and moral member of society though. I also hate labels so if I had to have one I would hope to be called a rationalist or a free thinker.
  • I think the reasoning is that with faith comes Grace and the assistance of God in determining right from wrong. If that is correct it should be observable, sofar I have failed to observe it. That is not to say that I have not met highly moral and admirable Christians, I have. It is just that I have also met highly immoral and self-deceiving Christians. The proportions seems to be about same as among Atheists. regards JakobA
  • Of course atheists can me 'moral'. They can help people, give to charity, do things for others, show compassion - you don't need some phoney religious framework to do that. I hate having Christians throw their idea of 'morals' in my face.
  • I'm always fascinated at the way Christians claim Atheists have no morals, yet they're the very people who threaten children with burning in Hell if they don't believe the fairy stories they're told.
  • I would like to know that since there are more Religious people in prisons than Athiests. Oh since when has morals ever even come from religion. I am an atheist and i never got any morals from a book from the bronze age.
  • Sure, since they define what morality is for themselves. It's not hard to adhere to a self-defined standard of morality.   However, plenty of religious folk habitually ignore any standard of morality that they supposedly accept.
  • Of course we have our own beliefs like in science and not in god you don't need to follow god in order to have morals.
  • Because if there's something they want to do, it goes on the "moral" list. If it's something they don't like and would never do anyway, it ends up on the "immoral" list.
  • One of the reasons I have morals, I think, is because I don't have a sky daddy to forgive me when I do something wrong.
  • Because pirhanas are moral.
  • yes, I have got one right here. Can somebody explain what is wrong with his reasoning?
  • People like that believe everyone without a god is evil. People like that are unable to decide from right and wrong, either due to their own disorder or because they've been spoon fed ethics from an early age, and subsequently unable to decide for themselves. They project that attribute unto others because they think everyone is just like them. Of course this is far from the truth, but I'm not telling deranged people that. :P
  • All people are born with knowledge of right and wrong, regardless of beliefs. Why ask this question when the answer is so obvious?

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