differentiation is easy, the rules are easier to apply, but integration can get pretty hard. substitution, inverse trig, integration by parts, and there are just some equations which cant be integrated, i think that says how hard it can get.
Integration. It's like "Differentiation II : The Bitch is BACK" but... more evil.
Differentiation is reasonably easy, there are few 'standard derivatives' required to be able to do it... Integration, however, has thousands upon thousands of standard integrals.... For example, f(x) = e^ - x^2 /a^2 Derivative of that is really easy. Integral? Near impossible.
Differentiation is following mechanical rules, there is always an answer. Integration is trial and error and annoying. At school it was the first time I came across problems that you couldn't even work out whether it was possible to solve it or not. Arrgh! You need Differential Galois Theory just to show whether the integration can even be done! Integrate x^2 -> one third x^3 + C Integrate x^x -> Bzzt! No closed form solution. Arrgh, again!
Integration, you have to use your head here.
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