• No, but that's not because the Bible doesn't say anything about it. I've never read the Bible. From what I hear it makes God something scary, so I'll pass on that book
  • Sure. There's plenty of real stuff not mentioned in the Bible.
  • If by aliens you mean other physical beings living on other planets, the answer is no, I don't think such beings exist. The Bible does make it quite clear that God's redemptive work is for man, descended from Adam and Eve, and salvation through the work of the cross is only for humanity. If such otherworldly beings exist, the Bible does not mention them. C.S. Lewis' books "Out of the Silent Planet" and "Perelandra" explore the idea from an imaginative and theological perspective -- other beings that exist on other worlds could be unfallen (as the creatures on Mars in Out of the Silent Planet); or as in "Perelandra," newly created, as yet unfallen creatures. Yet if other fallen beings existed on other worlds, this creates a Biblical problem, since Christ's atoning work was done "once for all" and applies only to descendants of Adam; Christ is the second Adam. To have Christ dying over and over again, in each of the other unfallen worlds, to redeem each of those races of beings, is unscriptural. However, I do believe that UFOs / aliens as reported by some do exist -- these are of Satan, demonic spirits in physical form. It is interesting to note that in all the *unexplained* cases of UFOs, stories of alien abduction, etc., the person who experienced such things was heavily involved in the occult and related pagan religions. Just as ancient writings and mythology suggest a connection between demonic beings in physical form interacting with humans then, it is quite likely that such Satanic beings likewise are interacting with people today who open their minds to such things, even to demonic possession.
  • I personally lack belief in space aliens, that is, unless you include God, angels, etc as such because they are "not of this world" thus, they are "aliens" to us technically, but I am sure that is not what you meant. I presume that you meant space aliens as in civilizations on other planets and such things. I lack belief in them but I am not going to say for sure that there are not any. I would not eliminate the possiblity. Only God knows, really. I hope that this helps. :) -In the Master's service. Thank you and God bless you!
  • Its a simple question of mathematics. There are a billion galaxies in the universe, with billions upon billions of stars, around which planets orbits.... are we really to believe that out of the infinite number of planets in the universe, conditions for life would not exist? As for the biblical answer, well ahem, how very erm scientific... so anything written in that text can be pretty much ignored by any rational being.
  • Yes, I do. The Bible doesn't mention anything about computers, but that doesn't mean they don't exist. Our universe is way too big not to have other life forms. But we won't come in contact with any "aliens" for a long time because they're not any more advanced in technology then humans on Earth.
  • Anyone who dosen't is blinded by our faith. Yes the bible dosen't mention them but oh well, don't be so black and white, the bible wasn't written by God himself and from only one point of view.The universe is infinite in size and expanding.The conditions for life are so good, it is almost impossible for life not to exist somewhere in the universe.Not to say their little green dudes in saucers cutting up cows, but their is life out their somewhere, we just have to wait to see who finds who first.for all we know they may be years behind or in front of us technology wise.So aivid christian I may be, I don't hold the bible as marshel law and you shouldn't either because we can't say what God knows,but you make your own decision.
  • When come to God anything is possible. Whether it mentioned in the Bible or not. This is my opinion but I could be wrong.
  • None that are capable of interstellar travel, at any rate. If there had been just one alien civilization in the milky way capable of interstellar travel, then the entire galaxy would have been colonized in less than 100 million years. They've had enough time to do this 130 times over already.
  • No, I only believe in the ones that I see in the movies, lol

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